Current status: Flirting, sexual tension, one kiss
The Beginning: Who knows? Apperently, she had a crush on him in college and they slept once with each other before he came to work at Princeton Plainsboro.
Course of the Relationship: House and Cuddy were almost always fighting for power, but always flirting, too. There was a lot of sexual innuendo and battles in the first two seasons, but they started to grow closer in season three, when House was jealous of Cuddy's attempt of having a love life. When all of House's fellows left, he and Cuddy spent some time battling each other over hiring new fellows. When House was recovering from his almost-death in the season finale, Cuddy stayed at his side and held his hand. They grew closer at the beginning of the fifth season, when Cuddy decided to adopt a baby. When the adoption fell through, he came to her House and they kissed. House wanted more, but he was afraid to change and so nothing happened. They remained as close or distant as ever, Cuddy adopted a child which made House act jealous. They continued their games, but there's, as always, flirting.
The End & Future: House had some serious problems, hallucinating Amber and thought something was seriously wrong with him. He tried to detox with Cuddy's help, they kissed and had sex. But in the last ten minutes of the fifth season, this turned out to be just a hallucination and House went to a mental home.
When I fell in love with them: When I got used to House being an obnoxious ass, I started to love his chemistry with Cuddy and it's one of the reasons I started to religiously watch this show.
Why I like them: Their chemistry is amazing, they are almost equals (as equal one can get to House), they're both damaged people but kinda perfect for each other. Although they tease each other that often, they still have enormous respect for each other. They seem to know each other better than anyone else. Knowing that their relationship would be so hard, almost impossible makes me shio them even more. Plus, they're hot! ;)
Best Moment: It's like asking a mother to choose her favourite child! The kiss, her staying at his side at the end of season 5, their sex (although imaginitive), "How long have you known me?", the scene in Airborne, "Do you like me House?", him finding her old med school desk,.... I could go on for hours.
Saddest Moment: It's a tie between House telling her "You would have sucked at being a mother", their kiss and the end of season 5.
Why not Nr.1? Nothing really happened up til now but their chemistry is better than any other couple.
Miscellaneous: Can't wait how they handle the relationship in season 6, with House at a mental home.
This post is a part of my Couples Countdown (Read also HERE)
Current Mood: Dreaming
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