Castle has premiered in Germany last week and I've read some reviews and I thought that I might like it. And guess what, I did.

Some reasons why:
- The Set-Up: I love books, especially crime books and I've always been interested in how authors might get their ideas. And I've always been worried that criminals might use that books for crimes, so the whole set-up sounded really interesting. It's a little bit like CSI, a little bit like Bones and that's why I like it.
- The cases: I really like the different murder cases and the way Castle and Becket deal with them. They are always very emotional, dramatic and a little complicated so you don't know who did it right away.
- New York: Do I really have to say anything? A show set in New York. That's a definite plus.
- The humor: As dramatic and tantalizing it can get, it's also pretty funny. I like Becket and Castle's exchanges and Castle's one-liners. Esposito and Ryan are also very amusing.
- Castle: Castle is a little arrogant and cocky, but also a very warm man and funny. He's pretty smart and I like how he comes up with these stories how the murder could have happened. He's not bad on the eyes either :)
- Castle's family: Castle's family just great. First of all, I like that a cop/writer actually has a family. Most cops are single guys or women in their 30s/40s and they neither have parents nor kids. But Castle has a fabulous mother, an actress who is fun and a good counter balance to the often a little melancholic castle. He also has a daughter who is just a normal child. No drugs, no excessive lifestyle, no bad boyfriends. She's a good students and it's actually a change that a kid is normal and friendly as most kids on shows are just a mess. I also love those moments Castle has with his daughter who is sometimes a parent to him and sometimes he's a parent to her.
- Becket: She's strong and confident and she always seems to be in control. She also has moments where she's softer and you can see that she has a past. I love that she's not weeping on Castle's shoulder every chance she gets, but is the strong one and a little hard-core. She can also be funny.
- Castle and Becket: Yeah, I know I'm not very original but I really like potential romance in a show. Unresolved sexual tension at its best. Castle and Becket would actually make a pretty good couple and I can't wait if/when they get together. Yes, I know they're a little bit like Booth and Brennan on Bones but that's a good thing. Love their chemistry.
Well, there's a lot more, but that's it for now. The only thing that bothers me is that it's on Mondays, that's the sixth show on a Monday (Gossip Girl, House, BBT, HIMYM, Chuck). But I'm on vaction now, so maybe that's okay.
Current Mood: Fascinated
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