Current status:
Separated, unlikely to get back together ever.
The Beginning:
Following her best friend's example, Christina starts a fling with Burke after he seems to be interested in her.
Course of the Relationship:
At the beginning of their relationship, it's all about sex and after a few weeks later Christina discovers that she's pregnant. She doesn't tell him and wants to abort the baby, but she loses it, which brings her closer with Burke. She moves in with him, but keeps her apartment for some time. Burke is always the one to make the first step and he tells her that he loves her. Eventually, Christina gives up her apartment. They grow closer when Burke gets shot and loses functionality in his hand. In the end, Burke proposes and after some time Christina accepts.
The End & Future:
On their wedding day, Christina gets cold feet: She leaves Burke at the althar and Burke leaves Seattle.
When I fell in love with them:
Season 2, Episode 4 "Deny, deny, deny" Christina has been crying almost the entire episode and Burke comes in and consoles her. The way he held her was so samn cute that I was hooked on this couple.
Why I like them:
They don't seem to be happy most of the time, Burke tries too hard, Christina too little and still: They have amazing chemistry, they seem to love each other very much and it's a great love story. Very real, because they have both flaws and they try to work around them. I'm actually pretty sad that they didn't get a happy end, but maybe that's part of their magic.
Best Moment:
As above: Season 2, Episode 4
Saddest Moment:
Christina leaves Burke at the althar. I know it was necessary that Isiah Washington left the show but come on: I rooted for this couple so much for three seasons and now they'll never be together again… Kind of sad.
Why Nr.8?
Although they're not your usual, happy couple and the end is very sad, I still like their chemistry and their differences.
The second couple in my list who won't be together and won't have a happy ending.
This post is a part of my Couples Countdown (Read also HERE)
Current Mood: Partying
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