Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, July 17, 2009

It's legen...wait for it...dary!

Once again, I fell in love with another show, which brings the number of shows I want to watch when they return to 7: House, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Bones, Scrubs, Gossip Girl and ... wait for it... my newest addiction: How I met your mother.
Remember, when i was looking for a new addiction a few months ago (LINK) because I thought Scrubs was going to an end? Well, I started to watch Bones back then, because I really wanted another drama and I thought I would like it. I immediately loved it and can't wait for the fifth season. (Read review HERE) So there I was, having four shows for next year: House, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and Bones. I was pretty happy with that, because I also have Desperate Housewives, Fringe, Tudor's and Reaper in German that I watch regularily.
Well, then May came and on came the episode 7 of Gossip Girl's first season on German TV. And that means: Chuck and Blair, limo sex. Do I have to say more? (Read also HERE) End of story: I got addicted to that, too. Okay, we're down to five shows I watch on American TV plus my three shows on German TV.
Of course, Scrubs got renewed, which means I will have to watch it (It's Scrubs, even if they change it, I HAVE to watch it), bringing my score to 6 and 4.
And now this: How I met your mother. We reached an 11. 7 on American TV, 4 on German TV (although I think, Fringe and Reaper are almost done with their first seasons here and I consider switching to English then. OMFG. That would mean 9 and 2)
It's basically my fellow students fault, I have now seven shows to cover. As with Bones, I always suspected I might really like it, but kept away from it because right now I'm absolutely swamped with work. But he was watching it and so, I somehow did, too. Now I'm hooked and can't get unhooked. There's so much stuff I like about it:
  • It's a comedy! Okay, that one is pretty obvious, but apart from Scrubs, I had no new comedy show to watch. Well, that's over and now I can laugh again ;) It's sooo damn funny, I laughed out loud several times and I can only remember that kind of fun from Friends and Scrubs. Which brings me to my next point:
  • It's like Friends (and I love Friends): Let's face it: Five friends in New York looking for love, hanging out at one place all the time (appartment or bar vs. appartment or coffee house) and have not only frienship in mind: It's soo Friends, but is still unique. Not like all those 90's rip-offs but really unique and clever. Because:
  • It has a twist: To tell the story from Ted's perspective, 30 years later makes it very interesting and not revealing the mother is just very teasing. I like how he can comment on the people's actions and show what happened later. This creates interesting twists and turns. One of the big ones being: "Aunt" Robin, when we were lead to believe she could be the mother.
  • It's in New York: Insert argumentation from Gossip Girl here. I can't resist New York.
  • It's well written: It's funny, clever and I love that tehy are very keen on getting the continuity right. It's interesting to see, which details become important later (the yellow umbrella for example) and knwo that they already hinted that several seasons ago.
  • Its characters are awesome: Perfect characters, perfect casting. I literally like all of them, not even one better than the others. I initially had a little grudge against Robin, but that passed, once she and Ted split up. They're just not that great as a couple, but great as friends.
  • Its romance: Marshall and Lilly, Ted and Robin, Ted and Stella (amazing guest-starring by Sarah Chalke, love her) They are really good at bringing love stories in a comedy, which not everyone can do right, but tehy nail it. Marshall and Lilly are such a cute, real couple and Ted's pursuit of love is always very sweet and romantic.
  • Barney and Robin: I think I don't have to mention, that once again, a couple got me even more hooked on a show than I was before: In HIMYM, it's Barney and Robin. They're perfect for each other and I can't resist an unconventional love story (Like Chuck and Blair, by the way) Womanizer Barney develops feelings for Robin, who's a little bit cold herself, but they get each other. They're just soo cute together (Season 3, epsiode 16, when she was crying was my favourite moment) anf I hope they end up with each other, in their own, unique way. Meaning no kids. Maybe.
  • The actors: Neil Patrick Harris might be one of my new favourite actors now. He's adorable and perfect as Barney. The character is amazing, but NPH brings him to life, delievers this quirkyness and those jokes. Awesome. And of course Cobie Smulders, Alyson Hannigan and the other two are very good, too. Talented bunch.

Well, that's pretty much it for now, I still have to study. It's going to be a stressy new TV season, but I will love it. And I even think about watching Glee ;) Night.

Current Mood: Stressed, but okay

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