First up: The Big Bang Theory, a half-hour comedy I discovered on German TV (And discovered is the right word here because it is/was on Saturday afternoons). I watched the first two episodes on German TV and then, when I was bored one afternoon, I switched to English and watched the whole show in one week. And now I love it!

It's quirky, funny and smart. It's science, comedy and romance. It's pretty damn great.
Some reasons I like the show:
- It's nerdy: As I study Mathematic, I'm constantly surrounded by nerds (let's face it, that's what Sheldon, Raj, Koothrapali and Lennard are) and I can relate to Penny so much. Okay, I admit: Maybe I'm sometimes a little bit like the guys, too ;). And I love that the science is pretty accurate.
- It's funny: The main reason I love it: It's just funny as hell. More than once I have been giggling for minutes especially when Sheldon has one of his very weird moments. Bazinga!
- It's character-driven: Leonard is sarcastic but sweet. Sheldon is crazy but you somehow like him anyway. Raj is shy but has sarcastic moments. Wolowitz is a little creepy, but also nice. And Penny is a little ditzy but lovable. All of them are very funny and their interaction is just great.
- It's a little bit romantic: Leonard and Penny are really sweet together and although it took me some time to get used to their relationship as it lacks a little bit the usual drama, I really like it now.
There's more of course, but I still got the other show I recently "adopted": Chuck. One thing it has in common with The Big Bang Theory is of course that it's also pretty nerdy. Its main character Chuck works in the Nerd Herd of a Buy More and is a little geeky at times, but very sweet. His colleagues on the other hand are geeky most of the times.

Some reasons I love it:
- The plot: Chuck stumbles in the spy world by accident and I love the whole idea of an intersect in his head. He flashes on things and has government secrets in his head and he reacts exactly the way everyone would react: He wants it out of there. But then he gets sucked into the spy world and begins to enjoy it. It's a very well-plotted story and also very interesting to see the spy world by someone who just stumbles into it and doesn't have everything under control.
- The characters: Chuck is lovable, nerdy, smart and capable of great things. Then there's Sarah who is beautiful, strong and in control. Casey is tough and it's so funny that he grumbles all the time and doesn't want to connect with Chuck. Those three are the core and it's great to see them connect. Then there's Chuck's family and friends: Morgan, his best friend who's just a little weird but lovable, Chuck's sister Ellie who is always worried about her little brother's future and her husband Captain Awesome who is just awesome. They are clueless about his spy life, but have their own worries. And then there's the Buy More crew who is funny, nerdy and very weird.
- The humor, drama and romance: It's comedy and drama, it's romance and crime solving. Just a very cool mixture.
- Sarah and Chuck: They are a perfect couple and the nerd and the pretty girl just fit. She doesn't want to get too close as he's a civilist; he's hopeless in love with her. I love their pining for one another and their struggle is just great.
That was a very long post. Let's hope I'm not falling in love with another show soon or I won't have time for my real life ;)
Current Mood: Fascinated
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