Brennan & Booth

The Beginning: Brennan and Booth are partners, solving murders. She's the rational forensic anthropologist and he's the emotional cop. A perfect team.
Course of the Relationship: During the the four seasons, they got closer and closer. There have been some hugs, especially when one of them needs to be consoled and one kiss (albeit forced by Caroline as a Christmas prank). He has saved her life several times, taken bullets for her and she has saved his life in return. There is a lot of sexual tension and especially Booth seems to be fully aware that he might be in love with her.
The End & Future: Brennan decides she wants a baby - from Booth, but Booth has a brain tumour that needs to be operated on immediately - with Brennan at his side. He wakes up after being in a coma for four days and doesn't remember Brennan!
When I fell in love with them: First episode! Immediately fascinated.
Why I like them: Their sexual tension is amazing: They're very different (she's rational, he's emotional) but they complete each other. They have this amazing connection and because they rarely touch, each time they do, it's meaningful.
Best Moment: Season 1, episode 15: "Two Bodies in the Lab", Booth rescuing Brennan although badly injured. Their hug was so sweet and amazing. I also loved the court episode when Booth was lying for Brennan; oh and the Smurf thing!!! (LINK)
Saddest Moment: Season 4, episode 26: Booth not remembering Brennan
Why not Nr.1? Except that they trust each other deeply, nothing has happened really.
Miscellaneous: My newest couple. And it immediately got to Nr.4
This post is a part of my Couples Countdown (Read also HERE)
Current Mood: Stressed
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