Consequently, I watched the whole two seasons in the last five days and it's now one of my new favourite shows and a guilty pleasure. It reminded me very much of "The OC" (just found out that one of the creators is the creator of OC, so it figures), and it's actually basically the same setting: rich teens and their problems. And as Gossip Girl is set in New York (only my favourite city ever), I love it even more. Cuz I went to New York last summer, I recognize streets and then remember how I was walking along those streets and get all giddy.
As always, I'll just post a list of reasons I love this show, maybe get someone else as excited about Gossip Girl as I am right now:
- The concept: It's the first show that integrates our modern communication media (blogs and cell phones) successfully. And as we all secretly love gossip, it's great if we can see how it affects everyone. I also like the Upper East Side - Brooklyn tension, the whole Serena-Dan coupling is Cinderella all over again (the other way round)
- The drama: Who can resist a good drama? And of course the many, many relationships of our main characters. There are happy and funny moments, but mainly, there are vendettas and intrigues. Most of all, I like that every time you think you know what's going to happen, they turn it round in the last two minutes.
- The Characters: I love that it is mainly an ensemble show and everyone has their moments. The characters are not just one-dimensional, but very layered, especially Blair and Chuck. When you think you know a character, he does something out of character and you have to adjust your view.
- The design: The newest clothes, the most expensive accessoires, the nicest appartments and of course the inevitable limo. It's New York's High Society and it's just great to see their life-style.
- The setting: As already mentioned, I just love New York and so I love to see as much of the city as possible. This show is ideal, as a lot of the action is happening outside, in Central Park, on fifth avenue or even on Times Square.
- The actors: They're very talented, especially the actors of Chuck and Blair, of course. Although most of them are actually older than their characters (which I hate), they succeed in portraying teenagers. I was especially surprised that the actress of Jenny is actually as old as her character and she's really amazing.
- Lily & Rufus: I love that there's not only a story about the teenagers, but also about the grown-ups. Lily and Rufus belong together and they have been on and off for over 20 years and even have a child together. They mirror Dan & Serena's story which is really amazing, as I love their relationship, too.
- Chuck & Blair: How do I even beginn to describe their hotness? They're perfect for each other. She know him better than anyone else and - what's even more important - and can accept who he is. They're both kinda mean and he has many flaws, but he loves her very much. He even loves her enough to let her go. Eventually, they can't keep away from each other although Blair likes other guys (Nate, Markus) and Chuck tries to find his happiness with different women every night. Plus, the actors are amazing.
Well, that'S it for now, but I could talk for hours about this, especialyl about my new ship, hehe. I'm very excited to see, what will happen in season 3, when they're all going to college. Well, most of them. Let's see if Rufus and Lily actually get married, if Serena finds her father, how Jenny is as the new Queen Bee, if Chuck and Blair can be a real couple (but I hope there will be some drama, too) and what happens to Nate and Vanessa.
Current Mood: XOXO
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