I always enjoy these double episodes of Grey's Anatomy, because almost always, something big happens. After Izzie's wedding to Alex last week, the finale had the burden of topping this fantastic episode.
So much has happened in this two hours, it's easier to tell the different stories one after another:
Bailey's career: The Chief tries to persuade Bailey with a brand-new surgery roboter to stay in general surgery, while Arizona has great news: Bailey got the Peds fellowship but is not reall happy about it. It turns out her husband made her choose between the fellowship and their marriage. Bailey decides she's going to stay in general surgery but is going to have a divorce anyway. I loved her decision and Chandra Wilson in this episode (e.g. when she was crying in front of the chief). And I'm kinda glad she stays in general surgery, didn't like her in Peds very much.
Mark and Lexie: Mark wants Lexie to move in with me, but she doesn't want to. But instead of just walking away like he would have done before he met Lexie, he bought the house anyway and didn't pressure Lexie to move in with him. I'm excited to see what will happen to those two. They're kinda cute and I never thought Mark would fall in love again after Addison. But I also would love to see him with Callie. (On a side note: I would have never guessed Chyler Leigh is pregnant, she hid it so well.)
Callie and Arizona: This one is linked with one of the patient, a military man returning from Iraq and desperately wanting to return. George is inspired by this decision, which Arizona finds amazing, resulting in a fight with Callie, who plans an intervention. I kinda liked the story-line and I grow more and more fond of the Callie-Arizona relationship. I'm so excited about next year.
Christina and Owen: The former mentioned patient makes Owen realize that he wants to go back to Iraq and Christina that she doesn't want him to die (OMG; that was soooo cute). She forces him to go to his mum, who still thinks he's in Iraq. I absolutely love this relationship and it was the highlight of this episode. Christina tells him she loves him in the air vent room and Owen says they can make it. He leaves, but eventually they meet up on the gallery and kiss. Just like that. Oh, this couple makes me flail so hard. I always loved Burke and Christina, but I think I love Christina and Owen even more.

Izzie's surgery: In the first hour, Izzie tries to decide if she should have the surgery or not (because she could lose her memory) and then decides she's not going to do it. Well, Alex yells at her that she should do it (Great work by Justin Chambers, by the way) and when a friend dies of her cancer, she decides she's going to do it. In the second hour, the worst thing has happened: Izzie's memory starts over every 5 minutes. Alex is desperate and tries to get Izzie to remember by putting post-its around her with stuff to remember. He gets very angry (even doubting their marriage) and very mean, but eventually, Izzie remembers something. There is a flash of hope and then she goes into cardiac arrest.
The shock: Remember George wanting to join the military? He's been absent for the whole second hour, preparing for his trip to Iraq. Well, that's what we think. Then there is a patient who jumped in front of a bus to help a woman and is now in a life-threatening situation. The first time I saw the patient, I though it was ALex, but he was in a scene after that, so I dropped that and didn't see coming what was coming next. After an operation, the patient tries to draw something in Meredith's hand: 007. It's George! My jaw dropped. I was so very much surprised! OH MY GOD! I knew they were going to do something to George to be able to let the actor go, but I didn't expect that.
This also brings me back to the last scene: George and Izzie in a dream sequence, Izzie in her prom dress, George in a military uniform, looking at each other. Who is going to die, who is going to live? I really want to know. I guess, one of them will die and the other one will live, but who? I have no idea. But it was an amazing episode!
Best Moment: Either Meredith and Derek's post-it wedding or Owen and Christina's kiss, can't decide.
Most Shocking Moment: Discovering the patient is George.
Favourite Quote:
Derek: Meredith.
Meredith: No. You know, let's go. We gotta go. We've got to run to city hall. We'll come back. You'll check on Izzie. We'll monitor John Doe. I'll go talk George out of joining the army.
Derek: Look, we can do this another day.
Meredith: There is no other day! Every day is like this. Every day, there's a crisis. There's no time.
Derek: Meredith.
Meredith: I love you, and I do want to marry you today, but there is no time!
Derek: Do you have a piece of paper?
Meredith: For what?
Derek: I want to be with you forever, and you want to be with me forever, and in order to do that, we need to make vows. A commitment. A contract. Give me a piece of paper.
Meredith: I don't. I don't. I have Post-Its!
Derek: Okay. (takes them) What do we want to promise each other?
Meredith: That you'll love me, even when you hate me.
Derek: (starts writing) To love each other, even when we hate each other. No running. Ever. Nobody walks out, no matter what happens.
Meredith: No running.
Derek: What else?
Meredith: That we'll take care of each other, even when we're old and smelly and senile. And if I get Alzheimer's and forget you…
Derek: I will remind you who I am every day. "To take care when we're old. Senile. Smelly. This is forever". Sign.
Meredith: This is our wedding. A Post-It?
Derek: Mm-hmm. When you sign it.
Meredith: (signs it) Now what?
Derek: Now we kiss the bride. (they kiss)
Meredith: Married.
Derek: Married. See that? Plenty of time
Current Mood: Relaxed
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