The four guys were super-excited that their favourite comic book writer Stan Lee would be visiting their comic book shop. Penny was as underwhelmed as I was: Didn't really know who Stan Lee was before this. Anyway, there was a big problem. Remember a few episodes back when Penny hurt herself in the shower and Sheldon had to drive her to the hospital? Turns out he ran over a red light and got a ticket. He was outraged that he was actually considered guilty (Okay, he was on a learner's permit, but still) and tried to plead his case. Unfortunately, the judge was qickly annoyed with him and threw him into prison until he would say sorry for insulting the judge.
The main problem? Sheldon missed Stan Lee's comic book signing and after little time in prison he gave in. I thought this was way too soon, just because he couldn't pee in public. I mean, I figured he'd rather be right than that, but okay. Anyway, Penny realized that Sheldon was really mad that he missed Stan Lee and brought him to Lee's house. In the end, Sheldon got a restraining order and was happy because he got his signature anyway.
All in all, this was an okay storyline. There were only a few really funny moments, including everything with Raj's T-Shirt (dum dum da). But the rest was just average. Can't wait for next week: Lord of the Rings meets Big Bang Theory. Hope that's going to be really funny.
Best Moment: Sheldon in prison: "That's my spot!"
Weirdest Moment: The comic book guy is so pathetic it's almost not funny anymore.
Favourite Quote:
Leonard: "He signed my comic book: To my friend Leonard, best Stan Lee. Excelsior."
Wolowitz: "He signed mine: To my friend Howard, best Stan Lee. Excelsior."
Raj: "To Raj, Stan Lee."
Current Mood: Underwhelmed
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