Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Grey’s Anatomy (9/23) (Season 7)

Last season's finale shocked me to the core and I haven't been able to watch it again since as it would probably kill me all over. But the new season is going to be interesting, too.

Where were we?

In one of the best episodes in Grey’s history, a shooter in the hospital killed two residents and several other people and deeply traumatized our favourite doctors. Meredith had to fight for Derek’s life who was shot and had a miscarriage. Christina had to operate on Derek, with a gun to her head. Fortunately, one good thing happened: Owen decided she was the one and not Teddy. Arizona and Callie reunited and Arizona gave in on the whole kid business. Alex also got shot and cried for Izzie, with Lexie at his side who seems to love him. And Mark loves Lexie.

What’s next? (SPOILER ALERT)

  • Some time has passed, but they are all still reeling from the shooting
  • Christina and Owen are getting married!!!
  • Meredith hasn’t told Derek about the miscarriage
  • Derek is apparently a speed and adrenaline junky
  • April had completely forgotten her crush on Derek
  • Callie and Arizona will move in.
  • Mark??? Lexie???
  • Alex and Izzie’s story will get closure
My Predictions (aka. Wild Guesses)

Meredith and Derek will have a baby this year. Or at least they will try to get pregnant. Owen and Christina will get married, but then split mid-season and get back together again before the end of this season. Callie and Arizona will try to get pregnant, but they can’t find a sperm donor they both like and decide to adopt. Lexie and Mark will get back together. Izzie will return and Alex and her will sleep together and then she’ll leave. He will get together with April. Teddy and Jackson are going to hook up.

My wishes for season 3:
  • A baby for Meredith and Derek. A McBaby if you will
  • A good handling of the Christina-Owen wedding
  • A good solution to the shooter story
  • A lot of drama and fun

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