Because of that, this article (LINK) has me all giddy and excited, although it says nothing which hasn't been said before. I knew that they were split in the writers' room, otherwise they would have gone either way by now. And they've got to tease us and let us think it's going to happen. But somehow I feel the finale of this season could actually be it. Maybe even more than the finale of last season. And the season before.
- They have to get Brennan and Booth together some time. And if they don't get picked up for another season (which hopefully doesn't happen) they really have to do this this season
- They had this amazing Brennan-episode which has to change something, right? Booth knows, Brennan knows, Hannah knows, it's all out in the open
- It would be a wonderful sweepstakes episode
- Hannah has long overstayed her welcome and I think the producer realize that the arc has gone on wayyyyy to long. Time for something new.
- They need to get back to the old Booth-Brennan dynamic and add more scenes of the squints. And more dramatic cases, the sniper one is a good start.
- It feels right. I know, Moonlighting-curse, but come on, it's been six seasons. Even if it gets boring after they get together (which will never ever be the case) you only have to do one or two more seasons until the show has run its course anyway...
- Even House did it (LINK), at the end of their 6th season. Take a hint!
- It would be epic.
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