Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pushing Daisies: "Oh Oh Oh...It's magic" (02x06)

Only eight more episodes of Pushing Daisies this season and as just reported, it got canceled, so there won't be any more episodes. I hate that but unfortunately I can't change it and so I just have to enjoy the remaining episodes and hope that there will be a movie. I would totally watch that.

This episode was just after Ned's reunion with his half-brothers and now Ned has to help his brother's surrogate father (because their father has also left his brother) the wizard "The Great Hermann", whose assistant animals have been killed. But after some time, it turns out that not only the animals but also the wizard himself got killed and now Ned, Emerson, Chuck and Olive try to find the killer.

At first, the Great Herrmann only asks for help because his animals are killed, but then he climbs into a box that gets filled with concrete and never gets out. The concrete block is brought to the morgue where it turns out to be empty and Ned and the rest think that the magician might have forged his death. They still interrogate the magician's assistant and a fellow magician "The Geek", who swallows objects.

Eventually, the find the real concrete block, revive the magician and ask him, if he knows who wanted to kill him. He just knows, that someone stole the magnet in his shoe, that helps him escape from the box. Chuck remembers that the Geek swallowed a magnet and it turns out that he was the killer. He saw Herrmann as a father, but Herrnab bever really saw him as a son and that's why he killed him.

I really liked this episode, mainly because of Ned's awkwardness when confronted with his past. Plus, his brothers are really cute. ;) And of course it was a very interesting and fun case. I also liked the further development with Dwight Dickson, who Vivian seems to fall in love with. I really want to know what this Dickson has in mind and if he will be a threat for Charlotte and Ned.

Best Moment: Chuck calls Lilly several times and tries to hear from her that she's her mother. Eventually, Ned finds a way for Chuck to hear her mother talking about her.
Weirdest Moment: -
Favourite Quote:
Olive: You turned your assistant into a bunny?
The Great Herrmann: My assistant has always been a bunny.
Olive: Oh, I… I just wanted to see if he knew that.

Current Mood: Kinda Sad

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