Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

House: "Both Sides Now" (05x24)

I'm literally speechless. I don't know what to say or make of this.
I just saw the season finale of House and it was breathtaking, horrible and amazing. I don't know what to say. My first reaction was: FUCK. They can't do this! They can't do this to House, they can't to this to all the loyal House-Cuddy fans. My second reaction was a lot of ranting (my mother might think I'm crazy) and now I'm getting calmer and calmer.
So, what happened? The episode was pretty upbeat for the first 35 minutes and I had a lot of laughs (I knew already that something bad was going to happen, it was too upbeat.) Chase and Cameron had some sort of resolution, getting married and being all happy and the patient was very interesting this time, a man whose left hand has a mind of its own and this time, House seems to be happy and just comfortable solving the puzzle.
He's talking to Wilson about his night with Cuddy and tries to make her admit she has deep feelings for her by teasing her. She acts as if he's just an annoying employée (which totall makes sense now) but House is still in a good mood. He plays around with a lipstick she forgot at his apartment the whole time, happy and convinced he's fine.
And then the last five minutes came. House proclaimed in the entry hall that he slept with Cuddy which made her mad as hell and House goes to her office, where she's crying. She says she's just overreacting and that it's okay and then tehre are flashabacks from the night before: House going to her office, teasing her and then when she walks away (and he originally told her he's not fine), she really walks away. The detoxing? Hallucination. Cuddy helping him? Hallucination. Kissing, Sex and House playing with the lipstick? Freaking hallucination.
House is completely shocked, Cuddy is stroking his cheek tentatively (I hope she really did, I won't believe anything Huddy-related any more) and House is silent. They go to Wilson's office and eventually Wilson drives him to a psychiatric hospital.
BOOM. It felt like a bomb in my chest. I had this bad feeling the whole time. When midway, House showed Wilson the lipstickless cup, I thought: This could be like the season 2 finale and the shooting: Just imagined. But I never believed I was right. and I didn't think the last episode (the FREAKING WHOLE EPISODE!!!) was in House's mind.
Now, I'm on the one hand, kinda pissed that everything was in his head. All those beautiful scenes, the kissing (okay, it was too perfect, but anyway) every dialogue was a fantasy. On the other hand, I think it was amazing: House is almost crazy, but now he gets help. I loved that Kutner and Amber were there, it's amazing writing, it's an amazing twist and it was brilliant acting by Hugh, RSL and Lisa. And there is of course some significance in his hallucination: He wants to make it work with Cuddy, he wants to be the guy who gets clean, who has a healthy relationship. He knows he loves Cuddy, he's sure she loves him, too.
But what will happen now? He's in a psychiatric hospital, obviously freaked out enough to seek help. What will happen next season????
Who knows? Can it be September yet?

Best Moment: The last five minutes.
Weirdest Moment: The last five minutes.
Favourite (?) Quote:
Amber: "It's a nice story. Too bad it's not true."

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