Just WOW!
The fifth season is killing me. Almost literally. How did we get here? I just absolutely loved this episode. It had everything plus Huddy, but later more on that.
First of all: Amber is back and she's freaking me out. And of course House who is now desperate enough to try anything to get her to vanish as he thinks his sub-conscious (=Amber) tried to kill Chase (which I think is ridiculous). In the beginning, House even takes a day of to concnetrate on getting rid of Amber and not hurting anyone.
But then there is the patient of the week, a ballet dancer crashing on stage, who need House's attention and he tries to work on the case. He's constantly disturbed by Amber, who's even cutting her arm to "help" him. This leads to House treating the patient with Antibiotics which again leads to the patient's skin falling of. Very creepy. (Of course, the patient's story was kinda side-tracked by House's story, but still, good case)
Now House is definetely sure, something major is wrong with him and he's so scared, he even tells Wilson about it. He rules out Vicodin and sleep deprivation as causes, he gets tested for MS, but fears it is a psychological condition. Thus, he injects himself with insulin to cure him and it seems to work. BUT...
Here comes the scariest, creepiest scene I have seen on House. Ever. House is celebrating in a small restaurant that eh doesn't see Amber anymore and then there is this song. This incredible creepy song, sung by Amber and House's look was just ... indescribable. Scared, freaked out. And of course I was freaked out too, my mouth literally fell open.
I think this is the right time, to point out, that Hugh Laurie, Anne Dudek and Lisa Edelstein were just amazing in this episode. Especially Hugh Laurie of course. This look!!! It still haunts me.
Now, House is convinced it has something to do with his Vicodin habit and he decided to go to rehab. Although WIlson is convinced he might succceed this time, Amber (and House) is certain he will cheat which leaves only one option: Cuddy.

I loved the scene where House is telling her about his hallucinations (reminded me of back in season 2 when he pulled down his pants to show her his leg) and the fact that she's the only person that knows him good enough and knows his tricks to help him detox. Of course, this is going to be a little bit shippy now, but come on: We've waited long enough.
As House is getting worse and worse, vomiting, sweating, almost taking a Vicodin that was in a toilet bowl, Cuddy is at his side and helps him through it. She sees him at his probably most vulnerable moment and more important: He lets her see him. They work through the night and Cuddy is even telling him, that she fancied him back in college. (I thought it was so adorable that he cheated of her sheet) In my opinion, they bonded even more this night and Amber dissappears (Not for long, as the promos suggest)
The next morning, Cuddy wants to leave and House thanks her for her help. She asks if he wants to kiss her, which he answers with "I always want to kiss you", which leads to a passionate kiss and finally sex.
MY GOD. I thought this day would never come. And they handled it very well. I can't wait what they'll do with it, but for now, I'm just happy, that it finally happened. Thank you, Season five, thank you for "Joy", The cutest picture ever (See HERE) and now this episode. Can it be Monday now, please???
Best Moment: D'uh, it's a Huddy moment of course: House holding Cuddy's hand on the couch while detoxing. And their kiss.
Weirdest Moment: Amber in the restaurant (CREEPY!)
Favourite Quote:
Cuddy: "You want to kiss me, don't you?"
House: "I always want to kiss you."
Current Mood: Ecstatic
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