Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Big Bang Theory: "The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation" (03x01)

They're back! And very hairy, except for Sheldon who has only a goatee. The four guys survived the arctic expedition and they had to "sleep naked together" only once. It seems that the expedition was a success and Sheldon is very pleased and sees his Nobel Price. But wait: There is a cath. The other three, in an attempt to give Sheldon his results and save themselves from him, manipulated the experiment. Consequently, Sheldon is pissed and goes to his mother in Texas. It was interesting to see Sheldon's emotional side and Penny's attempt to console him was hilarious. I really enjoyed him trying to kill Lennart with the force ;) and he even used sarcasm!!! Hilarious. It's of course understandable that the guys were very annoyed, but to manipulate his experiment was not that nice. Especially, because it prooved his whole theory.
Well, Lennart didn't care so much cuz he was busy fooling around with Penny who was excited to see him back (although he looked like a long-haired poodle ;) ) But the two couldn't "catch a break" as Lennart put it and the guys went to Texas to get Sheldon back. As mentioned, he was staying with his mother, a Christian and seeing Sheldon talk to a religious person is always funny.
Little bit dissapointed at the end: Sheldon gave in a little quickly although it's funny that he'd rather stay with his friends than with his mother because she thinks evolution is an opinion. And awkward ending with Lennart and Penny: Guess they have to figure out some stuff now, huh.
All in all, funny episode, many laughs but only smal story development and a very hormonal, kinda annoying Lennart.

Best Moment: Romantic: Penny and Lennart's kiss. Funny: Sheldon trying to strangle Lennart with the "force" and Koothrapali gagging, then saying he felt sorry for him.
Weirdest Moment: Penny and Lennart lying in bed after having sex, all awkward and not knowing what just happened.
Favourite Quote:
Wolowitz: "You were acting like an obnoxious giant dictator."
Raj: "I thought we were going to be gentle with him."
Wolowitz: "That's why I added the tator."


Wolowitz: (referring to his beard) "I call it "the Clooney"."
Raj: "I call it the Mario and Luigi."

Current Mood: Still Happy

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