Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gossip Girl: "The Freshmen" (03x02)

I only slept five hour because I watched the Emmys last night (more on that later) and then the new Gossip Girl. Now I'm about to watch House, but before that I wanted to write something about the new Gossip Girl "The Freshmen".
After last week's episode (Read Review HERE), I was expecting a slight improvement as I wasn't as overly excited about this as last week. And my wishes were granted: I liked this episode even better than last week's, except for the lack of "Chair" moments.
So, what's happening?

Blair, Georgina, Vanessa and Dan (and oh, okay, Scott): What do these five have in common? Well, they all go to NYU and the Freshman Orientation Week is finally here. Blair of course wants to rule NYU (with Dorota's help, love her) as she did Constance and consequently moves to the dorms for some time. But her ususal methods of bribing and intimidating don't work and then she finds out that Georgina is her new roommate. Oh, I love Georgina vs. Blair. It's so funny and they are both little evil geniuses. But I always love that the really bad one is Georgina, the great deceiver (Did you see her look when she closed the door?), whereas Blair is definetely more human. I like the storyline of her looking for "her" crowd in NYU and it's actually realistic that she might have some problems. Well, okay, she probably would rule if it wasn't for Georgina: G. befriends Dan and Vanessa, who are suddenly her best friends and G. even throws a roof party for all of them. (Leighton Meester's song was playing most of the time, which kinda bothered me). Blair tries to sabotage G. by inviting her church group, but the plan backfires when Dan announces this plan and they all stay at the party. Georgina's evil look when she realized Dan was helping her was great, can't wait for more! Dan and Blair, btw, have been kinda friendly and Dan brought Blair as his date. But that soon passed. And then Dan gets very friendly with Georgina. They kissed and maybe slept with each other. Blair on the other hand gave up for now, but I'm sure she'll be back soon. In unimportant news: Scott has been acting very weird at the party and the actor portraying him can't act. But who cares.

Serena, Chuck and Carter: Serena was supposed to go to Brown but decided to postpone for a year to "find herself". She talked it over with Chuck and eventually Rufus and the old rocker is okay with it. Well, the producers have to keep her in NY, don't they? I get that "finding yourself" is important, but how is she going to do that? In the meantime, she's busy destroying Chuck's business plans. He's planning to open a restaurant with a secret nightclub in a vault, but Serena blabs this secret out to all of his possible investors. The first time, it was an accident, but when she thinks Chuck told on her, she does it on purpose, not knowing he was worried about her (well, I don't really believe that. It's Chuck after all). Serena's ally is Carter Baizen and at the end of the episode they get together as she tells him she wants him. Let's see how long this will go on.

Blair and Bree (blah): In short, as they are pretty boring: They have been spending some time in bed together, then tried to be togehter for 24h straight and got caught by the doorman. Bree then admits to her raging mother that she likes Nate. That's it. I really don't care about them. I know Nate needs a storyline, but somehow he just bores me this season.

Chuck and Blair: There were only two scenes with them this episode, which kinda sucks, but at leat they were cute scenes. Chuck is saying good-bye to her and doesn't approve of the dorms; a lot of kissing and some bickering. And then a very, very sweet scene when Blair's dreams of ruling NYU crash and she crawls into bed with him. She asks: "You okay" and he answers: "I am now". I squeed. And I don't squee. But please: More of that.

In general: Great episode, loved the Georgina and Blair scenes and even Vanessa is kinda useful, as a chess figure in Georgina's fight against Blair. Hate Scott, hate Bree and Nate. But other than that, it was an above average episode.

Best Moment: Tie between Blair and Chuck in bed and Georgina's evil plans. Love her.
Weirdest Moment: Scott's outburst (He's crazy, why does noone get it?) and Dan and Georgina waking up and kissing. Eh.
Favourite Quote:
Georgina: "Jesus and I have redefined our relationship."
Blair: "You mean he dumped you because he found out you were Satan!"

Current Mood: Kinda tired

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