Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grey's Anatomy (9/24) (Season 6)

Better late than never: Tommorow is the two-hour season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. I've already seen some excellent premieres these past two weeks (Gossip Girl, Bones, The Big Bang Theory, HIMYM and House) and can't wait for this one.
Where were we?
At the end of last season, Derek and Meredith got married on a post-it, Izzie had just gotten brain surgery and couldn’t remember a thing and George decided to join the army. Izzie then remembered something, but soon flat lined and a patient who threw himself in front of a bus turned out to be George and flat lined, too. Meanwhile, Owen and Christina decided to be a couple again (she even told him she loves him) and Lexie and Mark are not really sure where they are as Mark asked Lexie to move in with him and she declined. Callie and Arizona had a little fight when Callie learned of Arizona’s support for George’s decision to be a soldier and Bailey decided to split from her husband because he didn’t support her decision to become a pediatric surgeon.
What’s next?

  • George will die and Izzie will probably live
  • Meredith will not be seen for some time because Ellen Pompeo just got a baby
  • Derek is getting his own storyline
  • Meredith and Derek enjoy their honeymoon – and have sex on the stairs ;)
  • Owen and Christina don’t have sex but grow closer
  • Everyone will mourn George in their own way
  • The board wants Richard to step down from being chief and they want Derek as his successor
  • Seattle Grace and Mercy West will merge

My Predictions (aka. Wild Guesses)

Derek and Meredith will be married on a post-it note for quite some time and maybe make it official after some time, when the dust has settled after George’s death. We’ll go through chemo with Izzie and she will be back in the hospital. Owen and Christina will be happy for a long time, but they will have a big fight somewhere mid-season. Lexie and Mark will break up near the end of this season and Mark will maybe get a new fling. Arizona and Callie stay together for some time, split and reconcile. Alex and Izzie will have many fights but pull through it. Richard will stay chief (I guess he will be for a very long time). Bailey will become an attending and maybe reconcile with her husband. Wow, I’m really optimistic this season. Except for the merger with Mercy West. I guess I won’t like any of the new doctors. Don’t want this show to become ER.

My wishes for season 6:

  • Please, oh please, don’t let Grey’s Anatomy become ER
  • Don’t keep Meredith away for long, that wouldn’t make sense
  • More Meredith and Derek
  • Less Izzie, she kinda annoys me
  • More Alex and Izzie (I can stand her with him)
  • More Bailey, love her
  • Keep Owen and Christina together for some time, they’re great
  • Callie, Arizona, Lexie and Mark: I’ve been waiting for a Mark/Callie relationship for quite some time, make it happen?!
  • Interesting patients and funny storylines

Current Mood: Expectant

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