Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

House: "Broken" (06x01/02)

WOW. Just WOW. To be honest, I was a little sceptic about the season 6 premiere of House before because it promised to be a totally different episode and I was wondering if this could really be working. But it did. And it was fantastic.
The episode had a cold opening instead of the usual opening credits: House was detoxing from Vicodin and in great agony. It was a powerful and compelling montage and I was instantly convinced that this episode would be amazing. Up front: Hugh Laurie was absolutely wonderful in this episode; it’s a crime he didn’t get the Emmy and he should definitely submit this episode next year.
When House was clean, hew wanted to get out of the mental facility as soon as possible, but his doctor had other ideas: To get his medical license back, he had to attend therapy. House, of course, was convinced all of his hallucinations were drug-induced, but gave in and was transferred to ward 6. His plan was to “turn the ward upside-down” and basically annoy the doctor until he’d cave. But first, he had to cope with his annoying roommate who became his partner in crime. I loved him by the way, he was funny and cool and I had to laugh so hard when he sang “brick house”;) House’s plan was at first to behave as bad as possible: calling our patients on their weaknesses, staging a riot for Ping-Pong rackets and basically behaving like an a-hole the whole time. I was cringing when House was mocking the patients because it was pretty cruel, but it made sense. The therapists weren’t happy with House and locked him up in solitary for a long time. House then decided to change his plan and seemingly cooperated with the doctors sharing his “secrets” and swallowing his medicine (but not really).
House met a patient’s sister-in-law, Lydia, and was attracted to her. He “borrowed” her car and took another patient who thought he was superman to a carnival. They flew in one of those sky-diving machines, but the patient then jumped off a building. It was moving to see House happy, but again it was only temporarily. The patient survived and the doctor seemingly gave in because he thought it was House’s ultimate plan to get out of the mental facility. But House was humbled and decided to give in and really cooperate. Personally, I don’t think it was a ploy to get out of the facility but he really cared fir the superman patient. Once again, someone got hurt around House and he thought it was his fault. This problem (already surfaced with Amber’s death and its consequences) eventually convinced him to cooperate.
House then swallows his meds and talks to his therapist. He is advised to try to trust people and although he has some problems, he bonds with Lydia. Now that’s another story-line I was suspicious about at first: House without Cuddy? House sleeping with another woman? But it was beautifully done: Franka Potente did a good job (and it was fun to see a German actress on House; she’s in some German film as well this week, funny). It was wonderful to see House trust someone and all of their scenes were romantic, especially when she and House danced. House had some doubts because she was married, but eventually they had sex. It was a beautiful and moving scene, but a little weird. But it was all worth it for the shot of House crying. I was almost crying myself. He was so happy he could feel something. It was amazing.
But House (again) destroyed his own happiness – but this time it was involuntarily. Lydia’s sister-in-law hasn’t spoken for ten years and the superman patient also hasn’t spoken since his accident. House figured out what was wrong with them and both started to talk again. Lydia and her family then moved away but House got to see her one more time. He was hurt when she stayed her family, but instead of popping Vicodin he talked with his therapist. This was a sign for the doctor that Houses was on a good path and promised to write the recommendation for his medical license.
House’s good-bye-party or his “re-birthday” was moving and funny (House burying his face in the cake, lol) and then House took a symbolic bus-ride back – alone.
All in all, this way was one of the best House episodes ever and very moving. It was interesting to see House’s therapy and a little bit of change happening. We will see how long his will to change will stay and how it’s going to be when he returns to Princeton Plainsboro. I’m looking forward to new cases next week and all if my favourite secondary characters (there was only Wilson this week).

The episode had a cold opening instead of the usual opening credits: House was detoxing from Vicodin and in great agony. It was a powerful and compelling montage and I was instantly convinced that this episode would be amazing. Up front: Hugh Laurie was absolutely wonderful in this episode; it’s a crime he didn’t get the Emmy and he should definitely submit this episode next year.
When House was clean, hew wanted to get out of the mental facility as soon as possible, but his doctor had other ideas: To get his medical license back, he had to attend therapy. House, of course, was convinced all of his hallucinations were drug-induced, but gave in and was transferred to ward 6. His plan was to “turn the ward upside-down” and basically annoy the doctor until he’d cave. But first, he had to cope with his annoying roommate who became his partner in crime. I loved him by the way, he was funny and cool and I had to laugh so hard when he sang “brick house”;) House’s plan was at first to behave as bad as possible: calling our patients on their weaknesses, staging a riot for Ping-Pong rackets and basically behaving like an a-hole the whole time. I was cringing when House was mocking the patients because it was pretty cruel, but it made sense. The therapists weren’t happy with House and locked him up in solitary for a long time. House then decided to change his plan and seemingly cooperated with the doctors sharing his “secrets” and swallowing his medicine (but not really).
House met a patient’s sister-in-law, Lydia, and was attracted to her. He “borrowed” her car and took another patient who thought he was superman to a carnival. They flew in one of those sky-diving machines, but the patient then jumped off a building. It was moving to see House happy, but again it was only temporarily. The patient survived and the doctor seemingly gave in because he thought it was House’s ultimate plan to get out of the mental facility. But House was humbled and decided to give in and really cooperate. Personally, I don’t think it was a ploy to get out of the facility but he really cared fir the superman patient. Once again, someone got hurt around House and he thought it was his fault. This problem (already surfaced with Amber’s death and its consequences) eventually convinced him to cooperate.
House then swallows his meds and talks to his therapist. He is advised to try to trust people and although he has some problems, he bonds with Lydia. Now that’s another story-line I was suspicious about at first: House without Cuddy? House sleeping with another woman? But it was beautifully done: Franka Potente did a good job (and it was fun to see a German actress on House; she’s in some German film as well this week, funny). It was wonderful to see House trust someone and all of their scenes were romantic, especially when she and House danced. House had some doubts because she was married, but eventually they had sex. It was a beautiful and moving scene, but a little weird. But it was all worth it for the shot of House crying. I was almost crying myself. He was so happy he could feel something. It was amazing.
But House (again) destroyed his own happiness – but this time it was involuntarily. Lydia’s sister-in-law hasn’t spoken for ten years and the superman patient also hasn’t spoken since his accident. House figured out what was wrong with them and both started to talk again. Lydia and her family then moved away but House got to see her one more time. He was hurt when she stayed her family, but instead of popping Vicodin he talked with his therapist. This was a sign for the doctor that Houses was on a good path and promised to write the recommendation for his medical license.
House’s good-bye-party or his “re-birthday” was moving and funny (House burying his face in the cake, lol) and then House took a symbolic bus-ride back – alone.
All in all, this way was one of the best House episodes ever and very moving. It was interesting to see House’s therapy and a little bit of change happening. We will see how long his will to change will stay and how it’s going to be when he returns to Princeton Plainsboro. I’m looking forward to new cases next week and all if my favourite secondary characters (there was only Wilson this week).

Best Moment: House and the superman patient flying, his dance with Lydia and “he’s a brick house”.
Weirdest Moment: House in the yard insulting other patients.
Favourite Quote:
House: “I’m already broken.”

Curent Mood: Moved

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