Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bones: "The Bond in the Boot" (05x02)

Again, thanks to Canada, I was able to watch the new episode of Bones on Thursday. It was a classic and good episode with a lot of Booth-Brennan interaction.
The case was okay, maybe a little cheesy with all the Bond allusions, but still interesting. A Russian diamond courier was shot and then hit with a car, a James Bond car that is. Brennan and Booth investigate this murder but soon find out that the murderer is also dead, stuffed in the trunk of his car. It turns out that the dead man in the trunk is a CIA agent specialized in de- and encoding information in pictures. Booth and Brennan interrogate the CIA boss and the spy’s girlfriend and find out that the case the courier was carrying didn’t contain diamonds but something else. Angela finds out that the picture the spy sent to his girlfriend to break up with her contains information where to find the case. They find it in a locker and discover that it contains a USB-drive with important information (although no one said what exactly was on it – would’ve loved to know).
Meanwhile, the team was trying to find a way for Wendell, whose scholarship was cancelled, to stay at the Jeffersonian. They didn’t succeed but eventually Brennan donated the money (anonymously). I really like Wendell and I’m happy that he’s staying. I guess I like him most of all the interns (except maybe Nigel-Murray, he’s funny) and would be happy if he was the intern who stayed. They have to make a decision some time, don’t they?
In a little subplot, Booth decides to do his own plumbing, although he has forgotten how to do it. Brennan, who has gotten a lot of money recently, doesn’t understand Booth’s reluctance to hire help at first but is then convinced by Sweets to let Booth teach her something because else Booth could feel threatened by Brennan’s financial and intellectual superiority. I really liked their little talk in the car when they told each other that money and everything didn’t matter in their relationship and of course the scene in the end when they’re lying under the sink. Argh, why can’t they let them be together already? They’re just so cute together!
All in all, it was a good episode with a good (although pretty gross) case. But I probably won’t look at cats the way I used to do ;) .

Best Moment: Bones and Booth plumbing and the pipe bursting. Funny as hell although it was bound to happen.
Weirdest Moment: Cats eating the man and then licking their lips and looking at Brennan and Booth. Kinda funny, but also creepy. And I love cats.
Favourite Quote:
Talking about people who could become double agents.
Sweets: "They are usually intelligent male officers who had poor father figures resulting in repressed anger and revenge fantasies. by betraying his country, he is in a sense choosing a new father. One who might treat him better than the last."
Brennan: "Yes, but that would also fit Booth and he isn't a double agent. Are you?
Booth: Stop. Watch it, Sweets."
Sweets: "Elephants are grey, Agent Booth, but not all grey things are elephants."
Booth: "That is good for me, right?" (Brennan nods)

Current Mood: Okay

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