The main plot on this week's episode was Raj who was in fear of being deported. His scientific research didn't deliever any results and he had been checking his mail for several months. Now he needed a job because he didn't want to go back to India. He failed an interview in Wolowitz's department (Hot woman, alcohol, you know what happens ;) ) and then Sheldon had an idea: Why couldn't Raj work with (pardon: for) him. Raj was of course not very excited (I loved how he said he'd rather swim through the ocean than work for Sheldon), but he eventually caved. It actually worked okay. I loved the montage of them just staring at the board and the background action music. Very funny. And true. As a scientist/mathematician you think and stare most of the time (made my own experiences). I really loved this part of the episode.
The sub-plot was also quite funny, but I was still disturbed by the few tender moments between Leonard and Penny. They're supposed to be in love. Anyway, as Raj was working with Sheldon, Wolowitz clinged to the other two because he was lonely. I loved when he was making brakfast for them (the "big finish" line was hilarious). This part of the storyline didn't really have a solution, so I guess Wolowitz will hang around Penny and Leonard for some time.
Good episode, hilarious Sheldon and Raj (more please) and just a good time. Oh and I loved Sheldon when he told Raj that the only solution would be to become a pirate.
Best Moment: Probably the Raj/Sheldon montage.
Weirdest Moment: Penny and Leonard leave the bedroom (in which they supposably just had sex) and don't even touch each other. Weird.
Favourite Quote:
Raj: "I don't wanna go back to India. It's hot, it's loud and there are so many people. You have no idea. There everywhere!"
Current Mood: Alright
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