Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How I met your Mother: "The Sexless-Innkeeper" (05x04)

This week's episode was a little weird, but still funny and enjoyable.

Since Robin and Barney started dating, Marshall and Lilly wanted them to become their new double-dating couple. The problem? They suck at it. They drive every couple awy, being a little annoying and very needy. And as Robin and Barney are what they are, they find them to be exactly that and don't want to double-date any more. I loved the whole thing with Marhshall's picture shows about everything, especially about the cat funeral. Hilarious. Then the storyline became a bit odd. Marshall and Lilly found another couple to double-date and suddenly Robin and Barney felt all alone. I kinda like that they compared double-dating to dating and all, but it was a little bit over the top. Especially the end: Marshall, Lilly, Robin and Barney reunite in the pouring rain and Marshall and Lilly say that they can't resist the bad boy... or girl. Kinda cheesy and over the top, but okay.

Meanwhile, Ted had other problems: Girls (or rather one girl) stayed at his appartment but just to shower and sleep. Barney explained to him that he'd become a "Sexless-Innkeeper" (lol) I loved Barney's poem ("It's a poem!" when asked why it was set in Colonial times) and then Ted's version. Although the first girl just wanted a place to crash, the second one actually wanted him and so he broke the curse of the sexless Innkeeper. Barney then realized that he wasn't single any more and asked: "What have I done?"

All in all, although some moments were slightly over the top, I really enjoyed the episode as it was very funny (as always). Can't wait to see what Barney will do now.

Best Moment: Marshall singing "Cat funeral".
Weirdest Moment: Barney's realization that he was becoming a boyfriend. What will he do now?
Favourite Quote:
Lilly: "You’re a sturdy, cheese-bearing cracker"
Marshall: "Gouda?"

Current Mood: Well

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