Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bones: "The Plain in the Prodigy" (05x03)

Bad news. Couldn't watch Bones on Thursday, but on Friday. Good news: Clark's back! And he still doesn't enjoy his job. But I enjoy it when he's the intern of the week. Last week it was Wendell, this week Clark. I hope that Nigel-Murray will be back next week. I'm somehow not even very keen on them choosing an intern because this rotation is just so fun.

This week, Brennan and the team investigated the case of a body who had been dragged by a train for miles. It turns out, that the dead person is an Amish boy who was on his "Rumspringa" (funny word by the way. Love that it's old German, even in the dialext I speak). Booth and Bones discover that he was a gifted piano player who had the chance to be a part of a convent, but he hadn't decided yet if he wanted to go back to the community or not. Bones and Booth went to the parents in the community and met the pianist's girlfriend, but eventually they found out that the boy had been living with a boy and a girl. They then suspected that one of them could have killed him (They found out that he had been pushed off the balcony), but the two denied being involved. They then suspected the father and the girlfriend's brother, but neither of them did it. And there wasn't even a motive: The boy had decided he'd return to the community and broke his own hand, so he couldn't go back. The solution? Well, a robbery had taken place and the robber had pushed the boy off the balcony by accident. I kinda hated the solution here, because it was just so sudden. But then there was the ending, which was beutifully done: The parents see their son play for the first time (loved the music btw) and Brennan and Booth leave the community together.
Meanwhile back in the lab, Cameron was worried that her daughter Michelle could be sleeping with a boy and tried to talk to her. Michelle told her she wasn't her mother and that she wasn't important, very harsh, but they reconciled. It was very funny to see Booth intimidate Michelle's boyfriend and really sweet. What else? Like I said, I enjoyed Clark very much in this episode.
All in all, a pretty good episode with an interesting case (Love the Amish). Only flaw: Few Booth-Brennan scenes.

Best Moment: Clark is uncomfortable in this lab because they're always talking about private things. In this case: Cam's daughter's sex life.
Weirdest Moment: The solution. A robber, really? Somehow it felt like a cop-out.
Favourite Quote:
Angela: "Hey listen Cam. Every teenager goes through this. Think about what you went through."
Cam: (nods then looks shocked) "Me? Oh God! What am- what am I gonna to do?"

Current Mood: Sooo relaxed

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