Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: "Give Peace a Chance" (06x07)

It was Patrick Dempsey's time to shine when Derek attempted a very, very difficult surgery. And it was awesome! Why didn't they do this earlier? Not only did we get almost 40 minutes of one of the hottest men on television, but it was an intense and wonderful episode.
Isaac, a hospital employée came to Derek and asked him to operate on his spine tumor. The problem: It was basically inoperable except if Derek would cut his cord and paralize him. He had to think about it for a while, mainly because Richard - afraid of bad publicity - was against it. But after speaking with his colleagues, he decided to peform the rogue surgery. Of course, he didn't succeed the first time. As his assistants, he had Lexie and Jackson, who had gotten in a fight earlier, as both wanted to last longer and Lexie even wore a diaper. Gross, but funny storyline by the way. Do surgeons really do that?
Anyway, Derek only stared at the spine for ten hours and was then busted by Richard. He didn't do anything and wanted to give up, but Isaac convinced him to rethink it. This Isaac was impressing and his fate really touched me, like few patients' fates touched me recently. Derek then talked to Meredith and to the other attenings and finally decided to do the surgery. He again stared for some time at the patient, but finally he started to cut. Richard almost caught him, but Arizona who still had problems with authority convinced him otherwise (funny). Derek succeeded in removing the tumor and Isaac was happy although he at first thought Derek didn't do anything.
Richard, of course, was pissed and told Derek was fired. But Derek just told him to sleep on it. Very cool moment. I also loved that we got to know Derek a little better. All in all, thiswas one great episode and fun to look at (and not just because of Derek ;) )

Best Moment: Derek draws on Meredith's wall. Okay, I loved every scene with Derek.
Weirdest Moment: Christina being jealous that she didn't have to wear a diaper.
Favourite Quote:
Lexie: "I wore a diaper yesterday, yes - and I will wear one today. If it helps Dr. Shepherd get through the surgery, I will wear a diaper. My diaper is awesome. My diaper is hard-core. You wish you had the balls to wear my diaper. I'm gonna wear it, and I'm gonna wear it with pride. And if I have to pee in it? Oh, I'll pee. Because I am a surgeon. This is America. And I will do what needs to be done. So you can kiss my hard-core, diaper wearing ass."

Current Mood: Squeee!

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