Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: "Invasion" (06x05)

Grey's Anatomy is getting better by the episode. The merger which I used to hate provides a lot of drama and wonderful performances by the actors. This week, the new interns and residents from Mercy West arrive and everyone feels threatened by them. BTW why are there no new attendings? Anyway, they are clearly marked in ugly orange scrubs and every resident gets his own Mercy West counterpart, except for Meredith who still lies in bed and becomes the news hub for the interns.
Christina: Christina's new guy does not only make her look bad in front of Hunt, but also steals her surgeries. He jumps on a guy who tries to beat up his daughter's lover and becomes the hero. Christina has a brief fight with Owen, but then she gives up. She flees to Meredith and omg she cries like I have never seen her before. She says she misses Burke because when he was there she got to do heart surgeries (first mention of Burke in a long time and it's true: Christina kicks ass in heart surgeries and she doesn't get to do any). Meredith then consoles her and they watch TV. Loved Sandra Oh's performance and the Meredith-Christina friendship.
Lexie: Her girl from Mercy West proves to be a little bitch. She acts friendly, but steels her surgery (a theme in this episode). She then stoops to her level when she steals her notebook and embarasses her. Lexie then sees that she has gone too far and says she's sorry. Love that little Grey has such a big heart.
Alex: His girl from Mercy West was the most annoying. Seriously, what was up with her. I know that Alex was petty, too, but that girl, argh... They fought over a surgery and in the end worked together, but only for a little while.
Callie: In the meantime, Callie was preoccupied with her father visiting. At first she thought he wanted to reconcile, but he brought a priest and wated to "pray away the gay". She freaked, but later tried to talk to her father after Arizona told her to cut him some slack because she sued to love men. She tried, but he just kept quoting the bible. She quoted Jesus and stormed out. It was a very intense and amazing scene and I so felt for Callie. Arizona then talked to Callie's father and told her how her own father took her outing and convinced Callie's father to accept his daughter. Oh, I just love Sara Ramirez. She's so talented and can sell anything. Great.
Izzie: Izzie's counterpart from Mercy West didn't seem to be as annoying as the rest and actually way kinda nice. It was obvious that he wasn't really and Izzie then overheard him telling the other one how he used her. She yelled at him that they didn't do this at Seattle Grace and stormed into a patient room where she made a critical mistake. Because of her, a patient won't get a kidney and probably will die. And this lead to Richard firing her. OMG. I knew it would happen, but it was still sad. And especially as she left Alex a note that she was leaving him. She probably did this because RIchard told her Alex said something. I hope they reconcile. Please please!

All in all, great episode with amazing performances by Christina, Izzie and especially Callie. But, okay, I'm sorry but I hate each and every one of those interns. Only one I can stand is this Charles guy, but I hate the girls, especially the one with the short hair. I think we're supposed to relate to them at some point but now I just hate them.

Best Moment: Christina crying. Amazing and dramatic.
Weirdest Moment: The whole orange scrubs thing is a little constructed and weird.
Favourite Quote:
Derek: "Are you and Christina having the dark and twisties?"

Current Mood: Impressed

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