The case this week was the dictator of an African nation who coughed blood and was brought to Princeton Plainsboro. House was assisting Foreman who treid to prove he had everything under control. But of course treating a dictator who just wants to retunr to his country where he might kill thousands of people is an ethical dilema. And who is our voice of reason? Cameron. She was the one who was once again most against treating the dictator. I kinda missed her for the last two years but if this was to happen every week, she'd be very, very annoying. Anyway, they tried several diagnosis until finally Foreman was sure he knew what was wrong with him. House talked to him and made him change his diagnosis because of new blood results. The dictator then died. Just like that. What happened? Not Cameron was the one to kill him but Chase who chnaged his blood sample, thus killing him. Just like that. I'd never expected him to do that. I figured it was Cameron. Now he has to stand up for his mistake, especially as Foreman caught him.
Meanwhile, House kept out of the ethical discussion this week. This was kinda weird, but he was preoccupied. As he was staying with Wilson, he had to deal with Wilson't grumpy neighbour, a veteran. It was interesting to see House struggle with himself: Should he be unfriendly to another unfriendly man or try to get along? Wilson was kinda mean in this episode as it seemed his terrace was more important than House living with him. Eventually, House cured the veteran from his pain (he lost an arm) and made him feel better. Thus, he could stay with Wilson. I like this new House. I loke the conflicts he has to face: Be nice and patient, or old House again (which I thought he was when he tied the veteran up).
All in all, I liked this episode. It was fun to see the old team back together. They were pretty great. But I also like the new ones and somehow I'm not that sad Cameron's leaving... I don't know why...
P.S.: It was kinda cool to hear Chase call Cameron Alison. Did that every happen before? I've always thought it was pretty weird they called each other their family name, but Cameron and Chase also works as a first name, as does Cuddy, and thus it's not so weird. But I can't wait for House and Cuddy to call each other Greg and Lisa (Wow, it's weird even writing it). This will be a huge step.
Best Moment: House's reaction to the old team being back together.Weirdest Moment: Chase killing the dictator.
Favourite Quote:
House: "Oh my God! It's three years ago. Does this mean I'm still crazy?"
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