Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Big Bang Theory: "The Vengeance Formulation" (03x09)

Now this was again a very funny episode of The Big Bang Theory. Sholdon planned revenge on Kripke and Wolowitz was wondering whether he should really be in a relationship with a real-life woman.

So, the relationship with the girl Penny fixed Wolowitz up with isn't over. Guess the episodes aired out of order because this week she's back in action. They have been on three dates and she's asking Wolowitz where he sees the relationship going. Typical girl question. But anyway, Wolowitz isn't ready to give up his fantasy woman, the dream of the perfect woman and needs some time before he figures out what to do: He proposes to Rachel (?). That's of course way over the line and he tries to make it up to her by singing a song about her. That was very funny and not all that bad. And Rachel's answer? Noone has done anything as tomantic for me before. Poor girl. And I guess they're a couple now.

Meanwhile, Sheldon prepared for a radio interview and was overheard by Kripke. The creepiest guy on TV I know then pulled a prank on Sheldon and embarassed him when he was being interviewed: He altered his voice with helium. Sheldon was very very amd and planned revenge. Well, he had to be pushed to do it. LOVED the scene where Raj kept on laughing. FUNNY. Anyway, Sheldon then prepared a foamy substance to fall from the ceiling in Kripke's office, but he then somehting went wrong: The board members were also in the room and then there was a video admitting everything. And it was still funny as hell.

All in all, I really enjoyed this episode and had many lol-moments. More please.

Best Moment:
Penny comes in and says she wants to talk to Raj. He totally freezes.
Weirdest (Funny) Moment: The foam was pretty genius.
Favourite Quote:
Wolowitz: "Why is it wrong to want those inside wrapped up in the delicious caramel that is Halle Berry. (Raj whispers in his ear) Yes you're delicious caramel, too."

Current Mood: Amused

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