Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How I met your Mother: "Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap" (05x09)

I love the whole concept of the slap bet and Slapsgiving and so I really liked this episode. There were only some small things I didn't like.
It was Thanksgiving and when Robin and Ted got the perfect turkey Marshall had lost on the subway back, he bequeathed one slap to them. And they had to decide who would do the deed. Barney was instantly a nervous bundle while Ted and Robin argued who'd slap him. I loved that little scene on the couch when they were moving their hands and Barney kept flinching. But they couldn't decide at first and Barney saw an opportunity: Maybe they'd fight until sun-down and he wouldn't get slapped.
But there was another surprise: Lilly's dad, good for nothing and a man who constantly dissapointed Lilly, returned and asked for forgiveness. Lilly was fuming because he was basically dead to her, but then she realized how bad it would be if he was really dead. They made up and had Thanksgiving dinner. Eventually, it was slap time and Ted gave his slap to Robin who gave it to Lilly's father who gave it to Lilly who couldn't do it. Marshall then untied Barney and said there wouldn't be a slap. And then there was.
I thought that Lilly's father was a) too young and b) too easily forgiven. So that was a little unrealistic. I loved the slap stuff, especially the end, complete with the song and everything and the many games the father invented. I didn't like that once again, the Robin-Barney relationship is just non-existent but all in all it was a decent episode. Nothing compared to Splapsgiving 1 though.

Best Moment: Barney's flinching on the couch.
Weirdest Moment: The slap bet game commercial
Favourite Quote:
Barney: "I'm getting crow's feet. Crow's feet"

Current Mood: Medium

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