Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bones: "The Foot in the Foreclosure" (05x08)

Now this was interesting. Booth's grandpa was vistining and instantly liked Brennan (not many people do ;) ) He even told her a secret about Booth. I really loved the old man and the way he brought Brennan and Booth a little closer together.
But first things first: The case. I was a little bizarre and already had a weird beginning: In a house whichw as for sale, the realtor found a burnt body; more precisely a big pile of ash in a bed with only one unburnt part left: a foot. The team (this week supported by Clark) dound out that there not only one but two victims; one of them very over-weight. The two victims met in a bar for so-called eaters and feeders, some kind of fetish. The team suspected that the jealous room-mate of the girl was the killer, but in the end it tunred out to be the man who was selling the house. He caught the couple having sex in the bed he made for him and his dead wife and snapped.
Now for the grandpa-part: Booth's grand-father had escaped from his home and stayed with his grand-son who he practically raised. Booth was okay with that and so the old man stayed with him. Clark, the normally so cool and detached intern was moved and so was I. Anyway, the old man liked Brennan (I loved how he said "You weren't kidding" when he met her; kinda like the idea that Booth trusts his grandpa with everything) and so the three of them did some stuff together, including dinner, domino and investigating the case. Oh, I laughed so hard when the old man was dancing with those girls. But all was not well and the old man was getting older. He burnt his dinner and finally decided to go back to his home, so he wouldn't be a burden for his grandson. But before he returned, he told Brennan that he was the one who told Booth's father to get out and that Brennan should tell him one day and hold him. That was adorable and moving. He also told her to have hope and he did the same with Booth. I remember him saying she's a keeper somwhere, but I don't really remember details.
All in all, this was a funny, interesting and hear-warming episode and the visit of Booth's grandfather didn't dissapoint. Next week: A gamer episode.

Best Moment: Grandpa's talk with Brennan and Booth separatly.
Weirdest (funny) moment: The old man dancing with the heavy girls.
Favourite Quote:
Hank: "No, I like her. She's real. She's got balls."
Brennan: "Well, ovaries, actually."
Hank: "All right, you've got steel ovaries."
Brennan: "Thank you ."

Current Mood: Moved.

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