Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Grey's Anatomy: "Invest in Love" (06x08)

With Meredith still staying at home because of her surgery, this week's focus was on someone new: Arizona. And though I didn't like her at first, she has become someone I like and I loved this week's episode which primarily focused on one of the worst, hardest and most rewarding branche of surgery: kids.
Every case this week was a kid. The first one was a little preemie baby who was thought to die because it was too week. Arizona delievered it and Bailey and Alex took care of her. And that was moving and also kinda funny. Because Alex instincively held the baby close and that made him better (worked on my cousin, too btw.) Bailey even made him take off his shirt, which made for some funny moments but it was also sad, because he still missed Izzie and the baby was the only thing he could care for at the moment. The Mercy West intern whose name I can't remember btw has the hots for him. They'd actually look kinda neat together; if he wasn't Izzie's husband.

The second case was Christina, Owen, Callie and Jackson's case. A 15-year-old girl jumped of the roof while on mushrooms. And she thought that was okay as she was a straight-A-student etc. Christina and Jackson both seemed to be very impressed by that and Christina was inspired to do a Favourite Quoteprocedure when the girl flatlined she wasn't allowed to do. This, of course, got Owen and Callie pretty pretty mad and especially Owen and Christina had a fight afterwards about breaking the rules. Later. Christina kissed Jackson, who wa simpressed by her guts (okay, he kissed her), but Christina was sure she wasn't going to break that rule.

The most important person this episode was, as already mentioned, Arizona, who had a young boy as a patient, who was incurably ill. His parents donated a lot of money to the hospital and just asked Arizona to perform surgery on him. She was torn, but did it anyway. The surgery was a success, but then the boy suddenly dies. Arizon tries to save him, but she fails and is terribly shaken. She then returned home where Callie had organised a surprise birthday party. Arizona cried, ran out and later told Callie that she wanted to celebrate with the little boy. In the last minutes, Callie tries to surprise her again, all by herself and Arizona tells her she loves her.

I actually really enjoyed this Arizona-centric episode. I've grown fond of her. At first she was merely the new perky Hahn-replacement, but I really like her now. And this episode was exactly right to get to know her better.

All in all, I really enjoyed this episode. next week, things are slowly back to normal when Meredith and Izzie return. Hope they sort this whole mess with Izzie and Alex out.

Best Moment: Everyone makes fun of Alex.
Saddest Moment: The little boy dying.
Favourite Quote:
Derek: (to a shirtless Alex) Have you started to lactate yet?

Current Mood: Impressed

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