Thanks to Canada, I was again able to watch the new Bones episode a day earlier. And as it was on hiatus for a few weeks, I was very excited.
This weeks episode was good, but not as good as the pre-hiatus episode. The case was interesting: A body was found and the computer imaging made his picture look like a chicken. At first, the team was pretty confused, but relatively fast they found out the guy was working on a chicken farm. Booth and Bones went there to see if anyone knew anything and were confronted with protesters who were against the chicken farm, its stench and the way the animals were treated. (I read somewhere that this episode was hugely supported by Emily Deschanel, an animal rights activist and you could kinda tell. Good thing) Well, turns out, the man's wife was also working there and she was quickly suspected to killing him. They found out that the victim was killed by a de-beaking machine and eventually it turned out to be...
What else happened? Well, Angela's time of chastity ended and as already guessed, she ended it with Wendell. Good for her. The guy is cute and I'm interested to see how jack will react. I lvoed the little scene in the end. when Booth noticed they were touching each other.
But before Angela found Wendell, she found another thing to obsess about: She wanted to buy a pig. And Brennan was supposed to chip in. The two of them got in big fight and neither wanted to budge. But in the end, Brennan (convinced by Booth, who never wanted to get in between, but did) chipped in. I also liked Sweets in this episode, trying to mediate between Brennan and Angela and I always love Brennan and Angela moments. They are just cool to watch.
And of course there was the usual Booth-Brennan moment, several were very cute. (E.g. my favourite Quote.
All in all, I liked this episode and the case was interesting. I loved the character development and can't wait for next week, when Gordon Gordon Wyatt aka Stephen Fry will be back for an episode. These episodes are usually full of Brennan and Booth moments.
Best Moment: Maybe Booth and Brennan in the end or when he told her he would die for her. Cute cute cute.
Weirdest Moment: Probably the whole "man looking like chicken" thing. Kinda out there. but then again, I have seen people looking like that.
Favourite Quote:
Booth: "Listen Bones. I would do anything for you. I would kill for you, I would die for you."
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