Okay, now I'm wondering how long Cuddy has been seeing Lucas? Since House hired him and they had this little moment? After House went to the mental hospital? Before? I knew Lucas was returning, but I really didn't think he was Cuddy's boyfriend. But from the beginning:
Wilson wanted to go to a medical conference and Hosue was supposed to go with him as he should be watched by someone. House originally didn't want to go, but then he found out that Cuddy was going to. He changed his mind and the three of them went up in one car. And little Rachel was going with them. House could have just asked her to fo out with him, but that was way too easy.
At the conference, Wilson wanted to give a lecture about euthanasia, but House told him this was going to kill his career. Wilson wanted the word out there, for discussion and he was personally involved, as he helped man at home die just a few days ago. House then drugged him, so he could ruin his career and hold the lecture for him - under a fake name. Wilson was furious at first but then he understood the gesture.
And then there was the House-Cuddy part. There was a theme party (80s) at the beginning of the conference and House asked Cuddy to dance. There was - of course - a slow dance and it was very cute to see them like that. They talked about the last time they danced and House told Cuddy it wasn't a one-night-thing for him back then. The problem was that he was thrown off the campus the next day. Cuddy was confused and ran away, leaving House with his heart on his sleave. Oh, I just loved this episode. Wilson then told House Cuddy was a mother now and she needed someone reliable. He then offered to babysit Rachel, but Cuddy lied ot him and told her she was in daycare. House noticed that and went in her room where he found Lucas holding the baby. House was clearly heart-broken and later even more when they all went to dinner and Lucas talked about House's illness and other personal things Cuddy told him about House. Cuddy was clearly anxious and House sad about the trust-braking and completely closed up again. He told Wilson, he didn't have feelings for Cuddy and wished her to be happy. Yeah. right.
Well of course there was a patient this week. A girl was out clubbing and then fell suddenly ill. The main problem was that because of her condition noone could tell if she was lying or telling the truth. It then turned out that she and her friend didn't go clubbing but followed their favourite writer around. It was even suspected that the guy raped the girl, but that was not true and the girl got healthy again.
Meanwhile, Cameron was thinking that Chase was cheating on her. She tried to get Foreman to talk to her, but he wouldn't talk. Eventually, Chase did and he confessed that he killed Dibala. We didn't get to see what Cameron said, but I bet it wasn't "Great".
All in all, a lot happened this episode. Personal relationships changed, new windows opened and Lucas returned. Can't wait to find out more about his relationship with Cuddy. And how House will react to it.
Best Moment: House and Cuddy dancing.
Saddest Moment: House walks in on Lucas and Cuddy. Broke my heart to see House this vulnerable.
Favourite Quote:
Wilson: "What are you thinking about?"
House: "Fjords."
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