Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How I met your Mother: "The Playbook" (05x08)

Well, I guess this is one good episode for syndication. It was funny at times, but there are a few things that bother me.
First of all, I liked the episode. The premise was pretty easy: Newly single, but seemingly converted, he gives up his "Playbook" aka the book that contains all of his trick to get women. And there are many, many, many of them. I loved most of them. I won't list them all, as there were many, but good ones were "The Cheap Trick" where Barney said he was from a band called "The Cheap Trick" and his elaborate tricks like the one he used to charm the girl Lilly had in mind for Ted. All of this was told by Lilly and the others to a girl who almost fell for a trick called "The Scuba-diver". Barney was sitting in full scuba-gear in the bar and the gang tried to talk the girl out og dating him. In the end, even this truned out to be an elaborate scheme by Barney and he went home with the girl.
Now to the part I didn't like: Okay, Barney is back to his old tricks, we get it. He loves girls, he and Robin are completely over each other and blah. I didn't like that part one bit. He supposably says sorry in the end, but that turns out to be fake or at least planned, so how on earth should I now think about the whole Barney-Robin thing. Is it a mistake the writers want us to forget as soon as possible? Is there afuture? I loved them as a couple at first, then they made them too lovey-dovey on purpose, but I don't want Barney to be unchanged. He has changed and he had feelings. Hope they will deal with them.
All in all, it was an okay episode, with funny moments.

Best Moment: Of all the tricks, I probably laughed most about "The Cheap Trick"
Weirdest Moment: I don't like how they treat the Barney-Robin relationship as it was only a mistake.
Favourite Quote:
Barney: "Mothers, lock up your daughters. Daughters, lock up your MILSWANCAs." (MILSWANCA = Mothers I'd Like to Sleep With And Never Call Again.)

Current Mood: Could be better.

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