Leonard's mother was visiting for Christmas and Penny and Leonard both were very anxious as neither of them likes her. And Leonard hadn't told his mother he was dating Penny, so Penny was pretty mad. Sheldon on the other hand was delighted and Leonard found out that Sheldon and his mother were keeping in contact. The infamous mother earrived and was as cold as ever, instantly connecting with Sheldon, but of course not with Leonard. While they were eating, Leonard had to find out that his mother had surgery, wanted to get a divorce and that Leonard's dog died. Sheldon knew all of this.
Leonard was of course shocked that his mother was getting a divorce and that she didn't think it was a big deal. And Penny still had to tell her that she and Leonard were dating. When she brought her back to her hotel, they went drinking instead and the lady lost all of her inhibitions. She amde out with a busboy and wasn't mad when a (also drunk) Penny told her she was dating her son. They then returned to the appartment where Sheldon's mom kissed an unsuspecting Sheldon (FUNNY!). Finally, she was brought back to the airport, slightly less evil, but still herself.
I love that Sheldon comes off as slightly warmer in contrast to Leonard's mom and her comments are always hilarious. Loved the scene when she asked Raj and Howard about their feelings. All in all, I really loved this episode and had many laugh-out-loud moments. I think this is probably one of the best this season and hopefully, BBT will stay this good.
Best Moment: The drunk mum.
Weirdest Moment: Leonard's mum was talking about sex with Penny. Yuck.
Favourite Quote:
Leonard's mother: "So Howard. Have you and Rajesh finally brought up the courage to express your latent homosexual feelings for one another?"
Current Mood: Impressed
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