Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How I Met your Mother: "Last Cigarette Ever" (05x11)

The last episode before the Christmas break was in some ways exactly what I needed and gave me back some hope that it will soon be back on track. Although it might be considered a filler episode, it still had some plot development.
The main theme this episode was smoking. Ted’s kids were shocked to learn that all of them smoked from time to time – and pulled each other in. It all started when Marshall’s smoking was getting out of hand. He was sneaking around Lilly, and she exactly knew that he was smoking. But instead of telling him to stop she started smoking too. Barney – who’d have thought – was also smoking and especially Robin enjoyed smoking a lot. Ted’s kids were of course shocked when they learned that even Ted was smoking from time to time.
When all of their smoking got out of hand, they decided to try to quit and consequently they were all a little stressed. Especially Robin who just got a new coworker (remember two episodes ago, when they introduced him as a potential love interest for Robin) and really needed to stay calm. Because this coworker was getting on her last nerve: Walking around in his underpants, making inappropriate jokes etc. He was of the opinion that nobody watched the show anyway. And when Robin tried to get the mayor on their show, he knew she would fail. And she did.
In the end, the whole gang was supporting her (and tried to keep smoke-free). They met on the roof-top and all of them smoked a last cigarette. And then there was a really nice moment when Ted told us when their “real” last cigarette was: Ted’s will be when he meets the mother, Lilly’s when she tries to get pregnant and Robin, Barney and Marshall had some dates I don’t remember. That was really nice. I like when the show goes back to its roots: Telling a story in retrospective.
All in all, I really liked this episode and it was very funny. I also liked that they talked about smoking (a topic that is almost never mentioned on TV anymore, but that is still important) and that we got to see the kids again. After Christmas, there’s the 100th episode and I can’t wait. Rumor has it there’s going to be singing.

Best Moment: Barney screaming because of the stain on his shirt.
Weirdest Moment: Lily and her deep voice. Funny, but very weird.
Favourite Quote:
Barney: "Or you kill yourself when you get laid of. Like… what's his face? Although now it's more like… Where's his face."

Current Mood: Happy

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