Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Big Bang Theory: "The Bozeman Reaction" (03x13)

This week's episode of The Big Bang Theory was a little off somehow. Sheldon is eccentric, we know that already, but this week he took his eccentry to the next level.
Burglars broke in the guys' appartment and Sheldon felt really insecure and at first he tried to install a ateate of the art security system. Raj and Wolowitz helped but weren't really that helpful (Loved Sheldon's comment: "Wonderful security system if we're attacked by a school of thuna" when Wolowitz suggested a net).
Sheldons paranoia gets even worse and so far that he climbs out of his window and crawls on the ledge to Leonard's room where he's intimate with Penny. That was a funny moment.
Finally, Sheldon had enough and decided to emigrate to Bozeman, Montana. He said good-bye, just like that and he was gone. Well, not for long as his bags were stolen as soon as he landed in Bozeman. So, he returned home.
As already mentioned, this episode was a little off. It had its dunny moments but episodes that just love of Sheldon's eccentry always lack a little. Decent episode.

Best Moment: Sheldon crossing out Nebraska when penny told him she was born and raised there.
Weirdest Moment: I own most of the games they own...
Favourite Quote:
Sheldon: "My new computer came with Windows 7 instead of Windows Vista. Windows 7 is more user-friendly. - I don't like that."

Current Mood: Underwhelmed

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