Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bones: "The Proof in the Pudding" (05x12)

Way back in October, someone spoilered that there would be a Bones episode about a president assasination. I was a little worried that they would just say "A president's murder" and never mention the name, but they actually said it was JFK. And the whole lab was in lock-down because of it.
It was a matter of national security and that justified that the CIA or FBI or some other government organization had the whole lab in lock-down. They were supposed to find out what killed the man on their table and not who he was. But Hodgins - always the conspiracy buff - really wanted to find out who the man was. He and Sweets, who was also in the lab when the lock-down happened, had a very clever - and funny - plan which included a broom closet and a secret tunnel. Eventually, the team found out what killed the man (another shooter), but they also found out that it wasn't Kennedy - sort of.
Why sort of? Well, that's the second part of the story. Booth wasn't in the lab when the lock-down happened and was not happy about that. It was pretty cute how he tried to get in the lab at all costs and how he told Brennan to eat. He eventually got in and helped them with the case but he definetly didn't want it to be Kennedy. He had to believe that his government wouldn't cover up a hoax. After all, he killed for it. Brennan didn't understand at first, but finally she did and even told him that it wasn't Kennedy although she had some proofs that it might be. The whole episode was full of Brennan-Booth moments. I loved their hugging scene and the very last one in the café and then outside, arm in arm.
Finally, there was the third storyline in this episode: Cam found a pregnancy test in the trash and suspected it was Michelle's. She was freaking out and asked Brennan and Angela if it was theirs but noone admitted it at first. But there was not another teen pregnancy (phew, not another show with a pregnant teenager. Private Practice and Grey's has it covered) because Angela was pregnant. Or she thought she was. It would have been Wendell's child who was not very happy when Angela talked about it. But Hodgins was and he told her he loved her and would raise the child. That was so cute and adorable and I just love those two. Well, Angela wasn't pregnant, but still she realized that maybe Wendell wasn't the guy for her and Hodgins was. She walked sdown the street with him, arm in arm. There's hope!
All in all, very good episode for shippers. A little overdramatic on the whole dead president front, but great romance.

Best Moment: The end: Booth and Brennan and Angela and Hodgins walking away together - arm in arm.
Weirdest Moment: Booth doing Michael Jackson. Funny. But weird.
Favourite Quote:
Hodgins (to Angela): I'm your guy. And I love you!

Current Mood: Moved

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