Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

House: "Remorse" (06x12)

I enjoyed this week's episode of House. It was a little different and creepy at times.
The patient of the week was a psychopath. We met her in the opener where she manipulated her boss and incriminated a coworker. Later, when she got sick, she was charming and a loving wife - on the surface. Thirteen realized that she was a psychopath (a real one) and only staying with her husband because she needed the money. She got sicker and sicker, and almost died and eventually got brain surgery to get healed. She then broke up with her husband because she thought he was pathetic, which proved that she actually had emotions. I really liked the storyline, especially because it showed how a real psychopath is and how far House actually differs. Despite what the team says.
Meanwhile, as a part of his thereapy, House had to make ammends in his personal life and he chose a guy he used to go to med school with, Wibberly. Wilson was a little pissed that he didn't chose Cuddy or him, but House wanted to help this guy. He had exchanged his test with Wibebrly's and Wibberly told him that because of that he never graduated med school and basically had a crappy life. House believed him every step of the way and wanted to give him money so that he could pay his mortgage. But Wibberly did in fact graduate med school and he just wanted to screw with House. House insisted on paying him, mostly because it was easier than making real amends, for example to Cuddy. Not only had she been in love with him, House also destroyed the last picture she had that her dad took. House even almost went to her, after Wibberly, but Lucas was there and House couldn't eneter her office. That made me a little sad.
All in all, this was a decent episode. It was a little hard to believe that House would believe that guy, but that also shows how much he has changed in the last season. House making amends. Wow.

Best Moment: House speaks Spanish fluently and insults Wilson and he doesn't even know he gets insulted.
Weirdest Moment: The picture with Cuddy and the monkey.
Favourite Quote:
House: "Hi, I'm Greg House. How long have you been a psychopath?"

Current Mood: Okay

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