Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How I met your Mother: "Girls Vs. Suits" (05x12)

It was finally here: The 100th episode of How I met your Mother! And what can I say? I loved it!
It was this kind of goofy, funny episodes with several real "mother moments" and a song at the end - what's not to love? If I hadn't seen the Suit song before (in parts), this would have been one of my favourite episodes ever. But it still is one of the top ones.
There were two big storylines and two small ones. The small ones first, cuz they're important for the first big one: There was a new bar tender, a female bar tender that is, who was incredibly hot. The guys were lining up for her, but Marshall thought she wasn't that hot, which bothered Lilly. She said it was okay for him to find other women attractive (loved the ass-as-hat comment), but he declined. Instead, he was a little hurt when he thought Lilly found the woman more attractive than him. Funny stuff! Lilly and Marshall have recently been underused, so I hope there will be a bigger storyline in the near future. The other small storyline was Robin who was jealous that everyone thought the bar tender was hotter than her. She told her friends that it was only relative hotness and got behind the bar herself. And oh well, she was hotter as a bar tender. Cute story.
Well, the one main storyline was linke to the bar tender story: Barney wanted to sleep with the woman and it turned out she hated suits. So, he gave up suits for her, which was very hard. I loved all the scenes of him hiding a suit in the bathroom and sniffing Marshall's suit. Hilarious! And when one of his suits had a rip he took it (him) to his style guy who was Tim Gunn. "I couldn't make it work" made me laugh so hard. Barney then had a suit funeral, which was also funny. Eventually, he decided against the girl and for the suits, after singing about it in a big musical number. The song was catchy, all of the dancing was fun and I really loved it. Great work by NPH and the whole crew. And it felt like a special moment for the 100th episode.
Over all the suit shenanigans, I almost forgot that there was mother development this episode. Ted met Cindy who turned out to be the mother's roommate. She told Ted all the boys fall in love with her roommate and Ted was also kinda falling for her e.g. picking out the things that were hers in Cindy's room (hilarious things btw. Ted's an old nerd - and the mother obviously, too) And int he end, we even got to see the mother's foot. Well, I guess this was the last glimpse for her in quite some time. Still, it was nice.
All in all, this felt really good as a 100th episode: Story-development, celebrations, songs and funny jokes. Loved it. Hopefully HIMYM (which hasn't been as good as I expected this season) will continue down this road.

Best Moment: Barney drooling over Marshall's suit
Weirdest Moment: I think they took it one step too far with the whole suit funeral thing. Just a notch.
Favourite Quote:
Old Ted: "I didn’t know it but I was about to hear the first description of the woman I would someday marry"
Cindy: "She’s a whore"

Current Mood: Singing: "Nothing suits me like a suit!"

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