Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Actors and Characters

Two days ago, David Boreanez who plays Seeley Booth on Bones admitted that he had cheated on his wife. This was a rumour way back in fall, but now it’s confirmed. I have been thinking about this for a while now but I just can’t pinpoint my emotions on this one: Am I disappointed? Yes. Do I think this will change the way I feel about Bones? Probably not. Will I stop watching? Definitely not.
I really can’t say what I’m feeling. I enjoyed today’s episode but I though about the cheating while I was watching it. I was out of the moment.
This is basically the main reason I’m kinda disappointed. It’s not that he has cheated or on Grey’s Anatomy the whole Isaiah incident or Heigl-Gate or TJ leaving. I’m able to separate the characters from their actors. I really don’t think: Izzie is a bad person just because Heigl’s leaving or Booth is a cheater just because David is. It’s not that. It’s more that I get ripped out of this second reality. I’m really careful with interviews and such from the actors. I love spoilers but I try to get them from the producers or writers or from some anonymous source. And I try to stay clear of actor interviews about their personal lives. I guess, I always think of the character as a real person and getting too close to the actor gets me out of that fantasy. This is the main reason why I’m bothered by behind the scenes drama. It reminds me that it is just a show with actors. And I don’t want that. I just want it to be a convincing story and I want to lose myself in it without thinking about the actors.
What does that mean for Bones now? I’m kinda bothered that he didn’t wait until after the finale aired cuz getting back in this second reality usually takes time for me. I know that I was way sadder that George died when I watched the German rerun a few months later-. I guess I’ll just have to watch some Bones episodes over the weekend to get back into my happy bubble.

Current Mood: Confused

EDIT: (6/13) I have rewatched season 5 and now I’m back in my happy bubble. And so in love with Booth and Brennan it’s not even funny.

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