Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

House: "Knight Fall" (06x18)

This episode was a little weird, a little fun and everything in between.
The episode already had a weird opening: A fight between two knights, a king and a queen. But then the knight got sick and the king got out his cell and called 911. The guy was somehow certain he was a knight and therefore gave up the woman of his dreams because she was engaged to his friend, the king. And the team didn't know what was wrong with them. So, House and Thirteen went on the Renessaisance fare - in costume. 13 had a good time, House too and tehy even got a new diagnosis. But of course that wasn't the last one and finally it turned out that the guy abused steroids.
Meanwhile, House had some problems adjusting to the fact that Wilson was dating his ex-wife, Sam, again. At first, House tried to openly get rid of her, by inviting a transvestite to a dinner with Wilson and Sam and cooking naked in the kitchen. When that didn't work, he got sly: He cooked dinner for them and they had a good time, but when Wilson left for the bathroom, House told Sam she was a cold-hearted bitch (she left him broken) and he would try to get rid of her. Sam was shocked and later asked House to give them a chance because they deserved a chance. And House gave them a chance: He put the file Lucas had collected on Sam in the bin.
All in all, it was a decent episode. Okay in parts, weird in others. Not my favourite but it had funny moments.

Best Moment: Thirteen lets Chace run against the door although she suspects the key is under the door mat.
Weirdest/Nerdiest Moment: Mentioning Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings in one episode.
Favourite Quote:
Taub: "But you said..."
House (to Taub): "I said Frodo, not Gollum."
13: "Does he mean I have short legs or hairy feet?"

Current Mood: Confused

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