Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Big Bang Theory: "The Lunar Excitation" (03x23) (Finale)

So, that was a really funny episode. I mean, I laughed out loud several times. Small point of criticism: It was not really a finale, but who cares? It was funny.
The finale began up on the roof where our four guys tried an experiment with the moon.; They somehow wanted to shoot lasers at the moon and messure how long it would take them to return. But the guys were not alone. Leonard asked Penny to come up who had date over. She and the date came up on the roof and Penny soon realized that the guy was pretty damn stupid: "Won't you blow up the moon?" Funny and stupid. It also reminded me of how far the somewhat ditzy character of Penny has come in the last three years.
Later, Penny knocked on Leonard's door and told him that he had ruined her date and he had to sleep with her because of that. Leonard, of course, immediately fell head over heels with her and tried to establish a relationship. Penny claimed it was jsut sex, so Leonard tried to sleep with his ex-girlfriend but failed. Nothing was resolved her, but it was very funny.
Meanwhile, Raj and Howard had an idea: They were going to fix up Sheldon with the helo of some internet-dating site. And the site acutally found a match for him. Sheldon even accepted meeting her (well, he was blackmailed) and the two of them actually had a lot in common. The scene with them was very, very weird and I'm interested to see what will happen there. But hopefully, there won't be girlfriend for SHeldon. I think the universe would explode.
All in all, this was a funny episode with many good moments. Can't wait for the new season in fall.

Best Moment: Raj blackmailing Sheldon with a dirty sock.
Weirdest Moment: Sheldon dating.
Favourite Quote:
Sheldon: "Yes, in 1917 when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung," his fondest hope was that the resultant device be bitchin'"

Current Mood: Happy

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