I'm in tears. Really. That was one sad ending, although it was pretty much what I expected. Are they going to do that one-year time-jump after all? I still hope not.
During the whole episode I had this sinking feeling in my stomach and I knew that this couldn't end well. I had a glimpse of hope when they turned around once more, but nothing happened. They held hands. That's it. Angsty. It was sad. But also amazing.
Although I'm disappointed that nothing more happened, I still liked it and can't wait for September. When I think about that I feel really sick. September. I can't stand waiting so long. WHY???
More extensive recap some time later. I’m just flashed by all the finales. Grey's Anatomy is yet to come.
I typed this next part on my cell phone while sitting at the airport at 5 am. It had been a good 12 hours since I had watched the season finale and although I was slightly tired (Oh, who am I kidding, I was exhausted) I had some thoughts about the episode and was finally ready to talk. After my initial reaction above, I tried to form some more coherent thoughts and recap properly. If this is still just me blabbering, it's just circumstantial^^
First off, some general thoughts: This sinking feeling I described in my initial reaction above? I had that the whole week and especially all Friday. I was almost scared to press play because I somehow knew that there wasn't going to be a kiss or sth. I was kinda hopeful a few weeks back, when they talked about pay-off, but the closer the finale date came, the more I was convinced that they'd end it on a sad note and a cliff-hanger. My prediction HERE didn't really come true; but oh well, prediction 4) did.
But let's begin at the beginning (insert pun about the episode name here^^) Booth and Bones were called to an apartment where a hoarder had died and then crashed through the ceiling on a kid's bed. Brennan was preoccupied because some bones had been found on Malakulu or sth and it was a huge discovery in anthropology. Booth tried to get her focused on the murder but wasn't very successful. He was a little preoccupied himself as an Army sergeant wanted him to come back to the Army to train soldiers. He wasn't considering it at first, because how could he? Brennan was also reluctant to leave but got really competitive when Daisy got accepted in the program and went on and on about how great it was. She was really annoying in this episode btw. And it was also kinda selfish that she just took the offer and Sweets who's her fiancé had no choice but to accept it. I like them together and poor baby duck loses his female duck. He then tried to be adventurous to get her back, but more on that later.
Back with Booth and Brennan: They talked about Booth's offer and that he wanted to decline. Brennan struggled and tried to talk to Angela if it was better to change and let go of stuff (e.g. Booth????) I loved their little girl talk and Angela is such a shipper. And Brennan was pretty honest in this one. She admitted she was scared that Booth might get hurt and wondered what their partnership meant. Growing up! But then she decided to take the job which somehow got to Booth before Brennan could talk to him. He was pissed, you could tell.
Booth on the other hand had had a little talk with his son who's the most adorable kid ever. Just been watching season 1-4 and that kid always makes me smile. Parker practically talked his father into accepting the Army post which could make me hate him but he's just too cute^^
Booth and Brennan then had a talk in the park in which they both told each other that they'd taken the offers. Both said that they couldn't deal with change (then don't change, stay together??? Okay, I can't deal with change either) and both were kinda pissed, again. They solved the case (the girlfriend had pushed the hoarder in a fan, he got trapped under a pile of garbage and starved) and it was time to say good-bye. Mis Julian told Sweets he had some growing-up to do if he thought Brennan and Booth would reconsider. Love you Miss Julian, but that is crap. they’re gonna be together forever^^. And Cam was also kinda sad as she was losing her most valued anthropologist. Oh, how I love her now and how I used to hate her when she came between Brennan and Booth.
And then it was almost time for the ultimately sad part. But wait, I almost forgot the funny part of the story. In between all the angst, there was Hodgins and Billy Gibbons. Angela’s father returned and Hodgins almost scared to death (loved that little yelp). And Billy had a job for Hodgins: Steal back a car he lost in a poker game. He and Sweets (who tried to be adventurous, adorable!) had no plan, but tried anyway. I loved the whole "What happened?" - "Gravity." exchange. It was of course just a test and Billy gave the car as a gift to Angela and Hodgins who decided to go to Paris together. For a year.
This was the part where I was finally sure that the time jump would happen and that this wouldn't take a happy ending. Not at all. And there we were at the final scene. Brennan at the airport, hugging Cam (sweet moment), then saying I love you too to Hodgins (She can say it, now say it again!) and then saying goodbye to Angela. Sweets and Daisy break up(for now or forever?) and Brennan's craning her neck for Booth. And thank god there he is, in an army uniform (hot´). The tensuin is almost palpable. No one says what's on his or her mind aka "Don't go" or "I love you". Instead there's a lot of: "Don't be you, don't be a hero" That was heartbreaking.
Booth moves in and I think he's gonna kiss her. But no, he grabs her hand. In one year, he promises, they will meet again. 12 months. At the coffee stand. And then there's.... nothing. Not even a hug. How cruel. They turn around and walk away. Then they turn around once more. (RUN!!!) But no, they don't. Their looks are heart-breakingly sad. Close-up to Brennan's sad face. And cut.
Wow, that was an intense moment. Not at all what I wished for, but what I expected. Somehow. I’m now more or less at peace with the whole episode. I will rewatch it after I have rewatched season 4 and 5 and maybe see it with different eyes. I had planned to watch it again sooner, but it just hurts a little too much. Anyway, I’m okay, not happy, but at peace.
BUT. And I said this before: I don’t want that time jump, I’d thought that Bones was safe when Brothers and sisters did it, but now Bones does it too? I don’t know. I’m just afraid that there will be too much history between them. A year is long. Don’t like the idea of being apart from someone if you love them. Unrealistic. Or worse, Booth might find someone or Brennan. Oh god, that will happen. Please don’t screw up my second-favourite current couple-. Take the leap!
All in all, this was a good episode, very intense, but nothing compared to the 100th episode. Liked the cliff-hanger, the intenseness, but not the time jump.
Now I’ll have to wait for September. How? How on earth am I going to do that? Okay, I have no life, I know.
And finally, a word to the Bones writers (not that they will ever hear me, but…): Even the House writers finally took the plunge after six years before it was too late. And they have a character whose change can only be measured in nanometres.
Take a hint! Season 6 better be it!
Best Moment: Hodgins & Sweets stealing the car
Saddest Moment: The end
Favourite Quote:
Sweets: "What happened?"
Hodgins: "Gravity."
Current Mood: Sad
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