Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gossip Girl: "Belles de Jour" (04x01)

Gossip Girl returned as the first one of my shows and I have to admit that after last season's finale, I wasn't nearly as anxious and excited as last year. I wasn't expecting that much and to be honest, I wasn't as happy about the premiere as I should have been. It was a decent and okay episode but definetely not in my top ten and - aside from last year's premiere - my least favourite premiere. Why I didn't like it that much?
Well, for one, it was a little slow. I'm used to Gossip Girl's fast-pacing storylines and in contrast, not much happened in this one. But from the top:
Blair and Serena spent their summer in Paris, which was kind of the best part of this episode. The gorgeous Paris scenery, the dresses and the atmosphere in genereal were just amazing. Serena spent her time man-hunting, Blair tried to get her mind off the fact that her one true love was not her boyfriend anymore and spent her time eating (true Blair). But apparently, she wanted a date and so she went out with a guy who loved the same painting she loved and who she suspected to be a prince. He turned out to be the chauffeur of a prince and Serena got the real prince (double-date). Of course, this turned into a catfight, especially when Blair found out that Serena was going to Columbia next year, too (Isn't that Ivy League? Who did she sleep with?) Blair pushed Serena into a fountain and to make things even worse, she dounf out that the chauffeur was really the prince. Serena wanted to leave, but Blair told her she had to stay because she was heart-broken and needed her bff. Aw, poor Blair. Serena stayed and the two made up.
And the reason Blair is heart-broken? When a body washed up somewhere with Chuck's papers, we got the truth: Chuck has been nursed back to health by some blond supermodel-type girl and decided to go for "Henry" instead of "Chuck" as his name. There were only a few minutes of Chuck, but those were kinda awesome - in a nightmarish kind of way. I nearly puked when he kissed that girl but I'm intruĂ­gued to see how long his change of character will stay. As he has come to Paris, I guess not that long.
Back in new York, everything revolved around Dan and his secret: His baby with Georgina. He had spend the summer with Georgina and the baby, keeping it a secret from Rufus and Lily, who ae kind of crappy parents btw. and his thankfully MIA sister Jenny. (Loved that line from Rufus: You can see her eyes again!) But then Vanessa returns (Yeah^^) and immediately finds out about little Milo. Cute baby btw. Anyway, she is confused how Dan could even think Georgina's honest, but okay, he was pretty much in love with the baby. Georgina was - of course - not reformed in any kind of way and had some weird plan. He wanted Dan to sign the birth certificate and therefore she told his parents about their grandson. The certificate got signed (with the help of a fake DNA test) and as soon as that was done Georgina left town. I'm really intrigued by that storyline. Georgina is fun.
Oh, I almost forgot Nate and Chuck's little black book. Nate's been screwing around with more girls than you can count to get over Serena (hey, what works for her, works for him as well). He then met a girl, Juliet, who immediately saw through him (hey, he's a glass window, anyone can do that. He has like two emotions: Sad puppy and happy puppy) and told him she could help him mend his broken heart. Well, the subtext said it. All really boring stuff, except that I really like that Juliet character and the fact that she's some kind of fraud: She had a weird board with all our characters and I guess we're supposed to think she's Gossip Girl. Well, at least she seems to be interesting.
All in all, this was an okay episode. i was intrigued about the whole Chuck story and even interested in a Nate storyline. Still,I can't wait for business as usual and of course a Chuck-Blair reunion. Pretty pretty please?

Best Moment:
Serena: "I wouldn't worry about Chuck ... any normal summer he's drunk on some island where polygamy is legal."
Weirdest Moment: At first I was a little confused when Eleanore was talking about a baby, but it's Dorota's and Cyrus is just smitten with it.
Favourite Quote: (And I can't believe it's from Vanessa)
Vanessa: "We’re talking about Georgina Sparks. Her hair lies!"

Current Mood: Alright

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