Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How I met your Mother: "Bad News" (06x13)

One of my New Year's resolutions is to blog more and especially review more, so I'm gonna try this now when a lot of my shows haven't returned yet and the workload is still bearable. HIMYM is the first one of my shows to return and their first episode was a shocker and has been discussed a lot this week (partly because there's not that much else on, but it was still a pretty good episode).
Marshall and Lilly had been trying to get pregnant for quite some time, but it didn't work, so they decided to see a specialist. A specialist who looked a lot like Barney. It wasn't Barney, although Lilly wasn't convinced until he and Barney were in the same room (hilarious scene). Anyway, the doctor had good news for Lilly which Marshall interpreted as bad news for him: Something had to be wrong with him, hadn't it? He didn't call his father anymore because he just shared good news with him which got his parents worried. So worried that they decided to visit him in NY. Too bad that he was supposed to "make a donation" (seamen-wise) and couldn't do it with his parents in the same apartment, especially as his mother kept screaming "Picture It!" and meant her in a bikini.^^
Marshall had a heart-to-heart with his parents in which they told him it would be okay if he couldn't give them biological grand-children. He then went to the doctor and found out that he was able to reproduce. Eureka! He tried to call his dad, but he didn't pick up. And then we found out that he died. Very surprising. I thought the random numbers, well not random, a countdown, were counting down to Lilly announcing she was pregnant and then it was somethign this heart-breaking. You amaze me HIMYM.
In the B story-line, we got Robin and her difficult time at her new job. Her ex-co-host foundout about her, let's say coulourful past and the teasing began. It was fun to see all the Robin-moments again, especially "Let's go to the mall". In the end, Robin embraced her past and just played along.
All in all, this was a very good episode, although the weird countdown was a little distracting, it was validated by the end which was completely unexpected (as death is) and amazing. Can't wait for the next episode in two weeks.

Best Moment: Although it was also the saddest moment: Marshall's dad dies.
Weirdest Moment: Marshall's mother: "Picture it!"
Favourite Quote:
Lily: How did you do it?
Barney: Oh god you found one of the cameras

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