Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Monday, January 3, 2011

What's on this Week? (1/3 - 1/9)

Monday: How I met your Mother: "Bad News" (06x13)

When Marshall and Lily fear they will never get pregnant, they see a specialist who can hopefully help move the process along. Meanwhile, Robin starts her new job.

Monday: Castle: "Nikki Heat" (03x11)

Castle's novel "Heat Wave" is being turned into a movie, and the Hollywood hottie cast as the movie's lead shows up at Beckett's invitation to better understand the character she's going to play. As our threesome investigates the murder of a high-class matchmaker, Natalie goes to extremes in the name of "character research," transforming herself into the spitting image of Beckett -- much to Castle's delight and Beckett's dismay.

Thursday: The Big Bang Theory: "The Bus Pants Utilization" (04x12)

Leonard's idea for a smartphone app derails his friendship with Sheldon.

Thursday: Grey's Anatomy: "Disarm" (07x11)

News of the incoming mass causalities after a gunman opens fire at a local college hits the staff hard when they must spring into action, even while their own wounds are still fresh; and Arizona does not receive a warm welcome home at the hospital

Thursday: Private Practice: "If You Don't Know Me By Now" (04x11)

Addison's mother, Bizzy, aggressively demands her daughter do whatever it takes to save her partner from dying - including working with Dr. Rodriguez once again. Meanwhile Amelia and Pete's medical consultation is complicated when a patient's wife and his mistress disagree on the course of treatment, Charlotte and Cooper try to be intimate with each other again, and Violet considers publishing a personally-revealing book she's written.

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