Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year's Wishes

I've made a lot of New Year’s resolutions this year (e.g. losing a few/a lot of pounds, finally getting organismic, blog more) and I've already lost 2 pounds, so I think it is okay if I have also some wishes for the new year, especially TV wise. So, without further ado, here are my wishes for the second part of the 2010/11 TV season:
  • Less Sheldon on "The Big Bang Theory": Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I really want more Raj and Howard. I also think, that (creatively) it would be bad if it was just the "Sheldon Show"
  • A further hint at the mother on "How I met your Mother": It's time we get a real glimpse. Maybe the back of a head? Oooh, and I also want a Barney and Robin reunion. Pretty pretty please?
  • A Chuck-Blair reunion in the season finale of "Gossip Girl": If you have to "Dair" (LINK), then give us that at least
  • A "Castle" kiss: I already know we're getting one, but please be real and please lead to something more. Or at least some awkward, funny moments.
  • A Booth and Bones relationship on "Bones": That's been my wish ever since I started watching that show, but this could be the year. And get rid of Hannah. Thank you.
  • A new season for "Fringe" and a Peter-Olivia reunion.
  • Drama, Comedy, heart-felt moments, romance, laughter....

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