Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How I met your Mother: "The Rough Patch" (05x07)

Of course they had to break them up again. And they probably will bring them back together. But not before they've found a good way for them as a couple. They love each other, that's gotta count for something. Still, I feel kinda sad that they're broken up again; waited almost two seasons for them to get together and now it's all over. I don't know. Mixed feelings.
The break-up was the dominant theme in this episode: Barney had gotten fat and Robin was becoming and old woman and of course Old Ted was exaggerating this. NPH was in a fat suit which was kinda funny, but distracting in the end when they broke up. Would have liked a real kiss because let's face it: They were hot together. Anyway, because they were getting worse and worse, Ted and Marshall enlisted Lilly to break them up. And Lilly tried her best which was bizarre), but discovered that they were actually cute together. but Barney and Robin themselves discovered what had happened to them and decided to break up.
And then Barney came in the bar, all clean and good-looking and his old self.
Let's see if they bring them back together. It was clear from the beginning that it was going to be a bumpy road, but I still have hope. And it would have been weird if all my couples stayed together. And oh well, my prediction has become true (LINK).

Best Moment: The three in the car. Very funny.
Saddest Moment: Their break-up.
Favourite Quote:
Lilly: "I got squat."
Marshall: "You got nothing?"
Lily: "No, I got Squat."

Current Mood: Mixed Feelings

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