Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bones: "The Death of the Queen Bee" (05x17)

It's episode 1 a.h. (after the 100th) and I was a little afraid that the show would just plain ignore everything that happened in the hundredth and maybe go back to before Booth basically told Brennan that he loved her. But au contraire, Show went there and it’s not backing down.
So, this episode opens with Booth and Brennan investigating a case near Brennan’s old high school A skull has been found in a bran and because the officer investigating the murder and, as it turns out, the victim are from Brennan’s old high school, we also find out that there’s a reunion happening. So, Booth and Brennan go undercover as, well, Brennan and her husband.
The case in itself wasn’t that interesting, so I’m gonna focus on what happened around it. Because bringing Brennan back to her old high school, in which she wasn’t very popular was really interesting. First of all, every woman, including the most popular cheerleader, the officer and a pie maker were hitting on Booth who was posing as Brennan’s husband (Brennan: “We have intercourse every chance we get”
Lol). And they were pretty mean. Booth got a little protective, but not as protective as he would have been before the hundredth. Actually, he was a little mean in this one, calling her Wednesday Adams and just generally making fun of her and her fascination with Ray Buxley. (You could tell he was hurt, but more on that later)
Ah, Ray Buxley. He was fun. I have never seen the movies he was in but if he was half as creepy in them as he was here, I’m really glad. Weird. But funny weird. I loved Brennan’s fascination with him and the fact that he was the only normal one and Brennan picked that up. So, she had social skills before booth. Just only with a very creepy custodian.
Oh, and we got to meet Andy Fluger (sp?). Remember him? He’s the guy who gave Brennan a brainy smurf when she wanted a smurfette. This lead to one of my favourite Booth-Brennan scenes ever. I think it was season 2 or 3. But wasn’t Fluger supposed to be hot?
He was also a suspect, as was everyone at that very creepy high school. Loved the scene where everyone was hacking or sawing. But before they could find out who the murderer was, the party started and – as to not lose their cover - they had to take part. Cut to some very questionable dancing. Well, some would call it dancing, but it was really pretty horrible. Funny, but horrible (I’m allowed to say that, I dance horribly, too) And then there was a slow song (Kiss from a Rose by Seal). What followed was probably my favourite scene in this episode and another proof that show wasn’t backing down. Brennan wanted to dance, but Booth didn’t want to. He said that “they had opened up a door neither of them wanted to walk through” (except of course he does and she does too) and kept his distance. Brennan was hurt and then teared up when she realized that this was a prom she never got to go to. Booth then pulled her close and they danced for a few minutes. Brennan clearly enjoyed their closeness and after a while, so did Booth. It was painful to see him pull away, but when she needed him, he was there for her. Beautiful scene. And a little sad.
Meanwhile, back at the lab, Angela broke up with Wendell. We saw it coming for a while, but it was moving to see it happen. On the one hand, Angela is right: Hodgins just told her that he was her guy, but Wendell saw it as his duty to do “the right thing”. But on the other hand, she’s really leaving behind these good-hearted guys… I don’t know what to think of Angela at this point. But Hodgins? Wow, what an outstanding man. He can be there for his friend who dates the love his life and he’s there for Angela. Just amazingly mature and wow. And I loves his I’m sorry, I’m sorry when he ran in Angela’s office
Anyway, eventually, Brennan Booth solved the case (the cheerleader did it) and returned home. Brennan realized that she lucky to have such great friends as the Jeffersonians and Booth and made a little toast. Moving and heart-warming. The only thing that bothered me a little is that Booth was kinda outside the circle. Subtle reference?
All in all, this was a good episode following a fantastic one. Show didn’t back down from the problems resulting from the 100th episode and I can’t wait how this will unfold. Unfortunately, Booth will go on a date next week, so we’ll see how I like that.

Best Moment: Booth and Brennan dance, very close together
Weirdest Moment: Every scene with the custodian. But funny.-weird
Favourite Quote:
Cam: “I run a kindergarten.”

Current Mood: Content

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