Housism of the Week

House: "I'm the most screwed-up person in the world."
Cuddy: "I know. I love you."
Help Me (06x23)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gossip Girl: "Inglorious Bassterds" (03x17)

This week's episode of Gossip Girl was possibly the best one of the new episodes (or "Gossip Girl Season 3 Part 2, as I like to call it) and maybe even the best one this season. With major Blair and Chuck drama, a scheming Blair, Eric and Dorota back and so much more, this episode had everything you could want. So let's get this started.

Dan and Vanessa:
Let's start with the only boring part of the episode, "Danessa" or as I like to call them: "Those two in Brooklyn about whom I don't really give a crap". They were in some sort of relationship crisis. I actually like them as a couple, but I feel bad for Dan as he was actually kinda cute and I liked him before he started dating Vanessa. Anyway, Dan was still applying to Tisch (sp?) and was writing a play. Vanessa wanted to read it, but Dan thought this could spoil their relationship. So, she gave him her play and after a bunch of lies, it turned out that Vanessa was also applying to Tisch and probably only told Dan his play wasn't good because she applied, too. Wow, I can't believe that hypocrite... Always judging the Upper-East-Siders, but she's not any better...

Nate, Serena and Jenny
Little J, desperate as she is, totally misunderstood Nate's friendly behaviour last week and is now out to get him. Although Jenny is always good for some drama, I couldn't believe she now wants to get Nate. Poor innocent stupid Nate. I really like him with Serena (They're so beautiful and dumb) and little J should keep her grubs off him. Serena wanted to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday with a party with the theme "Assasin" and to keep it a surprise she wanted Nate to think they all didn't care about his birthday. Great Plan. Jenny then was free to flirt with him and kept him away from the party. In the end, they went to the party and Nate had a lot of fun. I didn't really know the game before, but it was pretty fun and I loved the way they did it. Creative. Jenny and Nate were the last ones and eventually Jenny planted a kiss on Nate. DRAMA! Let's see what will happen next week...

Dorota and Eric
This was also a fantastic episode because my favourite recurring characters were back: Dorota and Eric both had a little storyline. Dorota, who is heavily pregnant spent the first part of the episode helping with Serena's party (Isn't she Blair's maid???) wich was funny to watch and then she played Assasin with the rest of the guests. Her boyfriend and babydaddy Vanya then proposed to her and she said yes. Those two are sooo cute. Can't wait for their wedding.
Meanwhile, Eric was back from Japan and his newfound peace with stepsister Jenny was quickly disturbed when he noticed that she was after Nate. Goes without saying it took him about five seconds and Serena still doesn't get it. But Eric also got a little attention as he met a cute guy in the hallway. Sweet.

Chuck and Blair
Now on to the most important part of the episode and the best one: Chair-Drama. As already spoilered HERE, Chuck and Blair were heading for disaster. At the end of last epsiode, they were both planning to take down Jack who had taken over the Empire Hotel, but now Chuck had already given in and was begging for his hotel back. It represented his independence, the proof that he was not like his father and that he wasn't a weak person. And he was ready to do anything to get it back. A little later, Blair was just out shopping with Serena, Jack surprised Blair and made an indecent proposal: If Blair slept with him, he would give Chuck his hotel back. At first, Blair was only disgusted, but when she realized how mcuh the hotel meant to Chuck, she decided to go through with it - without Chuck knowing of course. I was shocked that she would actually do it, but even more when - after the first kiss - Jack pulled away and told her he got everything he wanted. It turned out that Chuck had been planning this all along and just strung Blair along so that she would do it. Blair was devastated when she found out, slapped him (ouch) and then left. I was almost crying when he told her that he thought she would stay by him through anything (season 2, anyone?) and she told him that she didn't think that the worst thing he ever did was to her. So sad. But they will make up. They're destined to be together. And when they're apart, they're just so hot. :)
All in all, this was a very, very good episode and I'm so excited for next week.

Best/Saddest Moment: The whole break-up and Blair: I never thought the worst thing you'd ever do would be to me.
Favourite Quote:
Jack: "Champagne okay?"
Blair: "I'd prefer something stronger, to kill the germs."

Current Mood: Amazed

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